Monday, June 21, 2010

The Human Milk Theory

Recently, I have been pretty disturbed at some supplement companies attempts to make a conclusion that if you make a protein powder similar to human milk protein (breast milk), drink that protein, you will make remarkable gains in your physique. These supplement companies claim that they have duplicated the exact amino acid sequence, protein subfractions, peptides, microfractions, minerals, vitamins, sugars, fats, enzymes, growth modulators, and other hormones. Whew I'm done! Something that baby formula manufacturers have been trying to do now for over 40 years. These supplement companies claimed they have done it. Pull-up your bras women, there is no need to breast feed anymore. The bodybuilding industry has done it. We have duplicated human milk.

NOT, and I might say a big fat NOT!!

Want some reasons behind my big fat NOT, well here you go.

1) Like mentioned above, manufacturers of baby formulas have been trying to do this for over 40 years. Some "brand new" supplement company has no chance to duplicate the formula of human milk.

2) Is human milk better than cow's milk, (whey and casein protein)? Why does everyone assume that if a grown man drinks breast milk they are going to grow muscle. Mother Nature is the most remarkable phenomenon EVER! It makes changes and adapts in ways our best researchers haven't even come to understanding. Human Milk that mother nature manufactured is geared towards infants, NOT GROWN MEN. The structure is set up, timing and everything for infancy to about 1 year. For example, when a BABY is first born, the mother produces Colostrum. This colostrum is easier to digest and rich in disease fighting antibodies. It helps the baby fight of any infections when first born. The infancy milk is also higher in cholesterol. This will help the baby later in life handle cholesterol when it gets older. The milk then changes from colostrum to "mature milk". The fat content goes up and the protein level decreases. Human milk as a macro nutrient profile that looks something like this

Per 100 grams

88 grams Water

6 grams Lactose

6 grams of complex carb and protein

Then as the baby gets to about 8 months. It needs OTHER sources of protein. Its like mother nature is saying, "Human milk wont due anymore, get your protein from somewhere else. In conclusion, human milk is for infants, not adults. And by drinking protein powder so-called geared toward human milk structure wont help you pack on pounds of muscle.

3) Every mammal milk has a different chemical structure. Whales for example give milk that is rich in fat and calories. Important elements for the survival of cold water. "While human babies usually require about six months to double their birth weight, calves do this in a month and a half. It stands to reason that the higher protein and mineral levels in cows milk (which are 4 times greater than those in human milk) foster this rapid growth,whereas the lower levels in human milk are more suited to the human growth timetable" (REF). What does this conclude, stick with cows milk (whey protein and casein) OR if your a sucker for supplement company hype I have a formula I just sold each company that copied the amino acid profile and subfractions of gorilla milk. It should be coming out in the next few months. Ha Ha!

4)Protein subfractions. Protein Subfractions can be useful to bodybuilders. But, supplement companies try to use these terms to make their protein seem more ADVANCED. But unfortunately, marketing and putting these subfractions words on there jars of protein are as far as they go. Supplement companies know little about these subfractions and what each subfraction is for.. Remember that whey protein concentrate, even manufacturer with a low protein %. contains all 7 protein subfractions: alpha-lactabumin, beta-lactoglobulin, protease peptones, immunoglobulins, glycomacropeptides, lactoferrin, and bovine serum. No special process has to be taken to make the subfractions. They naturally occur in whey protein concentrate But, you can separate each protein subfraction. But ,there is not a chance that a supplement company is going to add their protein powder. Protein Fractions alpha and beta cost about $15.00 per pound (and that's on the low end) per pound! Lactoferrin cost $500.00 per kilo. Now you can see why they don't add them. Plus there is not enough hard core evidence that any of these protein sub-fractions, when isolated, will help grow muscle, better than drinking plain old whey protein isolate, whether it comes from CFM or ion-exchange. Health nuts and Longevity people should stick with CFM, for general health reasons. . For example, Immunoglobulin A found in protein . Human milk contains higher amounts of this protein. Immunoglobulin (IgA). coats the baby's intestinal and respiratory tracts, acting as a barrier to prevent the invasion of harmful organisms. Can IgA be a positive weapon for bodybuilders. I believe so, because I have read some research showing that it can help protein digestion and create a positive nitrogen balance.

In conclusion, human milk is for babies, and not for bodybuilders. Companies claiming to replicate human milk and suggest its use for anabolic condition are fooling themselves and it consumers. If you want to try the next best thing to human milk, and you still believe that its better than other sources of protein, go out and buy infant formula in powdered form. Its higher quality than half the whey proteins on the market.

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