Monday, August 16, 2010

Unleashed Testosterone Supplements

Without a doubt, UNLEASHED is the most potent testosterone supplement stimulating product on the market. Yet, some people have asked us why it does not contain Tribulus -- a standard for helping to release Leutenizing Hormone and therefore increasing tesosterone. Well, we thought about including it, but the truth of the matter is, Tribulus is effective in only about 40% of the people who try it, and the effect is mild at best. It's also been shown that Tribulus does next to nothing in men with suppressed HPTA's such as steroid users, older men, or men with naturally low testosterone -- in other words, the ones who need it the most!

What ever Tribulus does, Avena Sativa has been shown to do much better, but only if the Avena contains the active avenacosides. Out of eleven Avena products tested, only ONE showed to have any active avenacosides at all! And the avenacoside count was not as high as those found in UNLEASHED. So instead of taking up space with something less effective, such as Tribulus, we upped the dosage of the Avena Sativa extract and found it REALLY packed a punch! The other ingredients in UNLEASHED work synergistically to make the most of the testosterone releasing effect. You simply can't find a stronger, natural product anywhere.

Supplement Facts

* Servings Size 3 capsules
* Servings Per Container 30
* Avena Sativa (with at least 7% Avenacosides A&B) 500 mgs
* Muara Puama: 12:1 active extract 500mgs
* Trimethyglycine 1000mgs
* Xanthoparmilia Scabrosa: 50mgs
* Urtica dioica: 100 mgs
* Ashwagandha: Standardized to 1.5%Withanolides 500 mgs

It Isn't How Much You Have -- It's How Much You Can Use That Counts!

There's no doubt about it. When it comes to building muscle, nothing is more important than the amount of testosterone you have in your body. Unfortunately, one's T levels are genetically determined and despite what some supplement manufacturers may say to convince you otherwise, nothing besides steroids will provide enough of an elevation in testosterone to grow more muscle.

Even when using exogenous testosterone, not all of it will be available to impart its anabolic effects. That's due to an enzyme known as SHBG ( Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) and it's the deciding factor in how much testosterone you can use to build muscle and how much will remain in a "bound" unusable state. You see, SHBG clings to testosterone and keeps it from working its magic. The more SHBG you have, the less "available" testosterone there'll be. So the answer to greater muscle growth isn't necessarily more total testosterone, but less SHBG. This is where UNLEASHED comes in.

It's a known fact that more and more bodybuilders are turning to anabolic enhancement to get that extra edge. But besides the health and legal issues, if SHBG is elevated, all the drugs in the world won't provide satisfactory results. This is why you may see a typical gym member using higher dosages than what Arnold ever took -- and they sure aren't close to looking as good as Arnold ! The reason? SHBG. If it's high, it doesn't matter how much testosterone is flowing through your veins, it isn't going to put on very much muscle. Yet, if it were possible to lower SHBG, then someone with a "normal" testosterone level can actually be in a more anabolic state than someone on steroids! AND THAT'S WHAT WE'VE DONE!!

UNLEASHED is an amazing new compound made of a combination of synergistic ingredients which have been shown to lower SHBG and increase free testosterone! So now you can get the most of the testosterone that's already in your body!


Why put your trust in shady supplement companies which have put out bogus product after bogus product? All prohormones and other such hormone derivatives have been shown to suppress natural testosterone levels, including the all important FREE testosterone. This in turn can also cause a backlash and build up of estrogen...NOT what you want, if a dense muscular body is your goal. Instead, allow the natural hormones within your own body to come alive, sending your muscle growth into high gear! That's what UNLEASHED does.


Anyone who has been at the bodybuilding game for a while is familiar with all the suspect "University Studies" that supposedly prove a product's effectiveness. But many of these studies are done either in vitro (test tubes) or on animals. All too often the concluded results of such studies show one thing while the "real life" results show another. That's why why we put the active ingredients in UNLEASHED to the test in the real world.

In a volunteer study, using a protype of the ingredients in UNLEASHED, the subjects free testosterone increased an average of 24% in only 4 weeks!

Of course, not everyone is going to have blood drawn for comparison on a monthly basis but you can prove to yourself the power of UNLEASHED with this simple test. (Note: The subject matter may be a little sensitive, but it's the very best way to state our case.)


One of the best ways to determine a healthy "Free Testosterone" level is through "non-stimulative erectile function." What that means in plain English is this: When you wake up from a night's sleep, even though there's been no sexual stimulation, you should have an erection (which is always the case when you're 17 years old and hormones are raging). If you don't, then there's a good chance your Free Testosterone is low. But once you take UNLEASHED, you can expect a BIG surprise each and every morning! And because of the pleasant "good morning wood" you'll experience, you'll know that last night's sleep was an anabolic dream come true since your own, natural FREE TESTOSTERONE was working while you sleep to make you bigger, stronger and more powerful.

And in case you were wondering...yes, a dose of "UNLEASHED" before sexual activity can certainly make a noticeable difference in your stamina.

Finally! A supplement that's truly anabolic!

Don't let SHBG hold you back! Shatter the bonds of slow growth and give your own body every advantage. Allow your own testosterone to break free and start packing on thick, dense muscle right away!

Get UNLEASHED! And Release The Power Within You.


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