Monday, March 29, 2010

Fat Loss-Fast & Simple

First the bad news. You can read about all the diets, all the gadgets, all the miracle cures and magical potions that guarantee fat loss…but it won’t do a bit of good.

Now the good news. Fat loss is really pretty simple.

Step one is simply to take in less calories that you expend. But this is where a lot of people get off track. They start counting calories and that’s pointless. It really doesn’t mater how many calories you take in – it’s more important that you expend the energy, and that can’t be gauged any other way than to bust your ass in the gym. More sets. More reps. More intensity.

Besides training it’s also important to stay active. Walk, ride a bike, play tennis, or handball, golf or anything. Just get outside and move.

The final step is supplementation. That’s easy. The ultimate weight loss stack is ZIP and Diet Pro. Use the Diet Pro before workouts to increase energy and curb appetite afterwards. And use ZIP to insure the thyroid uses fat for energy,

For an extra advantage we recommend using Whey Light protein and Post Cycle. Post Cycle keeps estrogen in check which prevents bloating and fat storage.

We could say more but it would just waste your time. You know what to do if you want a leaner, harder body. So get to work. And make sure you have the proper supplements to speed the process along. Summers almost here. With the right program you’re going to look amazing!

Monday, March 22, 2010

The "Lean" Summer Protein

Summer is the time when you should be trying to keep your body fat down. This means eating low GI carbs, fruits and veggies, and lots of slow releasing proteins like Milk Isolate, Micellar Casein, or Aussie Caseinate. Why? Because I think it is more important to be anti-catabolic during this time. Anti-catabolic means keeping your body out of a muscle wasting state. The trick is to keep a supply of amino acids in the blood stream as long as possible. The best way to do this is a combination of a slow release protein, a high dose of Glutamine, and a dose of immunoglobulins. One of my favorite combinations is 5% Glutamine Peptides, 5% Ajinomoto L-Glutamine (I just obtained the #1 quality L-Glutamine in the world), 5% Super Plasma, 35% Aussie Caseinate, and 50% Micellar Casein with Aminogen. Keep in mind that the body only cares about survival. The more muscle mass you have on your frame, the more energy it takes for you to live. That is why the body is constantly breaking down muscle mass. Look what happens when you stop working out or decrease your calories, you lose muscle mass. The goal with the formula I just gave you can actually be called a “survival” protein. Micellar and Aussie are naturally high in glutamic acid. And then by adding Glutamine Peptides and L-Glutamine you are getting a hefty dose. Now here is the kicker. L-Glutamine is a very popular supplement, but if you talk to me on the phone or on the message board you can catch me not recommending this product, most of the time. Why? Because L-glutamine, even Glutamine peptides is not a muscle building supplement. You will not find one published study proving the ergogenic benefit of Glutamine supplements. Secondly, I think it is the most mis-understood supplement ever produced. In my opinion it is more of a “survival” supplement, and/or immuno-enhancing product. Thus I love it for this reason. Most people buy it with thought that it will build muscle. But if you buy it, you buy it to “spare” muscle mass from being chewed up for energy. If you happen to let your body begin to convert amino acids into glycogen, most likely Glutamine is going to be the first one to go. You can easily find the old “your body’s muscles are made up of over 50% glutamic acid.” Thus when you take Glutamine, you are actually theorizing that you are using an energy supplement instead of an anabolic product. You will notice that I also put in our great protein Super Plasma protein. Super Plasma is the #1 choice for immuno enhancement. It is 50% IGG. This is great for the immune system.

Thus we have just created a protein powder with a huge anti-catabolic effect. Much higher than Whey Protein Concentrate. Thus if you are looking to cut your body fat down and get lean for the last half of the summer, try this formula and give your body a chance to fight catabolism. Remember, that many top steroid guru’s and supplement experts believe that anabolic steroids work so well because of their uncanny ability to keep the body out of a catabolic state. The idea of this Glutamine, Super Plasma, Casein blend is to do just that, keep the body from dipping into a negative nitrogen condition.

Try this in a blender or shaker
1 scoop of OatMuscle
1 scoop of above formula
2 Tbs of hemp oil
3 fish oil gels
1 capsule of Phospha 4
¼ tsp of Creatine p-12
Talk about a real “muscle” sparing protein formula.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Okay, we know that title sounds a little crazy but it can be done.

Keep in mind, we’re not talking about 4 pounds of solid fat. For the most part, this will be water. Nevertheless, losing some extra bloat provides a quick, albeit temporary, fix for looking leaner and more defined.

Here’s how you do it.

Start out by drinking a good amount of fluids and then weigh yourself. Now, before your workout rub a thin layer of oil or petroleum jelly on your midsection and strap on a sweatbelt directly on your skin. At this point take 4 capsules of DEFINITION.

Train in a fast paced, intense manner. Keep rest in-between sets short. If you do cardio, make it quick! No jogging. Run! Hitting a punching bag is also an excellent way to get the heart rate up fast. After the workout, have 8 ounces of water and take another 4 capsules of DEFINITION.

Although sweating is mostly water weight, there is some fat lost in perspiration. DEFINITION will promote urination which will rid the body of excess water, salts and various toxins. After about 45 minutes expect to weigh 4-5 lbs less than when you started.

DEFINITION is great as a last minute tightening or to be used on a regular basis to stay tight and avoid muscle blurring bloat. Try it and see. You’ll be surprised how well it works.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Natural Weight Loss Products

Every year, we spend billions of dollars on products and programs claiming to help with weight loss. Diet fads come and go yet for many the battle to get into shape is ongoing. In truth, weight loss can be achieved, but it requires a healthy combination of exercise and proper diet. Although certain supplements can help prime your body for weight loss, it is important to do sufficient research to disassociate those that work and those that make overblown or outright false claims.

Every year, we spend billions of dollars on products and programs claiming to help with weight loss. Diet fads come and go yet for many the battle to get into shape is ongoing. In truth, weight loss can be achieved, but it requires a healthy combination of exercise and proper diet. Although certain supplements can help prime your body for weight loss, it is important to do sufficient research to disassociate those that work and those that make overblown or outright false claims.

One of the easiest ways to determine what works and what does not is to look at top athletes and bodybuilders. These individuals carefully control their food and supplement intake, as they understand that even certain fats and carbohydrates are essential to staying healthy and in shape. At Protein Factory, we provide natural weight loss products for both athletes looking to stay lean and consumers trying to get in better shape.

Depending on whether you are a new dieter or an experienced one, it is important to choose the products you use carefully. Most people erroneously jump into an extreme diet immediately. This can be difficult, both mentally and physically and is why many people give up. By using the right supplements, designed for your level, dieters can lose weight in a healthy manner.

Our CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) powder, for example, has been shown as an effective weight management tool. Studies have shown that use of this supplement can help increase lean muscles mass while also reducing overall weight gain and body fat. Our website offers customers an incredible selection of these types of products to choose from, each conveniently categorized according to your dieting experience and level.

Natural Weight Loss Products
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