Monday, October 4, 2010

Unusual Ab Training

The abs are unquestionably the showcase of any good physique. They’re also the best indicator of all around fitness. If you got abs – it’s a good bet you’re in shape. If you don’t – you ain’t. Big muscles and a big belly just doesn’t cut it. The abs are also the toughest bodypart to develop because they are so easily hidden under stored fat. But even with a low bodyfat percentage you need to develop the abdominal muscles so they stand out clear and defined.

Ab exercises are pretty routine. There are situps, leg raises, and their several variations. But the abs can be worked in many ways. As long as you contract the muscles against resistance, they’re working. And that means they’ll be tighter and firmer. Unfortunately, sit-ups and leg raises don’t offrer much resistance, which is why you have to perform so many of them. For a more effective workout, in less time, it’s better to do sit ups and leg raises with added weight. Don’t worry about the abs getting too big! They’re a very shallow muscle group and it’s almost impossible for them to grow overly large.

One exercise that is a little different, but works the entire abdominal region well is a partial sit up with the arms overhead, holding a weight. It can be a dumbell, or a medicine ball – anything that weighs between 10 and 20 pounds.

Here’s how it’s done:

Lie on you back with the legs bent as if you were going to do a traditional sit up. Now, holding the weight directly overhead with arms outstretched, lift the torso up and reach toward the ceiling. Slowly return back down. You’ll feel the pressure in your stomach right away. It’s tougher, but that’s what makes it so much more effective.

You can also try doing” reverse” sit ups using the seated dipping machine.

Stand, facing the machine and bend forward with your arms on the handles. Now, keeping your back flat and your arms straight, push downward (as if you’re bowing forward) in a slow controlled manner, returning to the original position in the same way. What makes this movement so great is the fact that most seated dipping machines have more than enough weight to tax even the strongest bodybuilder. Instead of doing hundreds of sit ups, you can do 4 sets of 10-20 reps and get much better results.

Resistance can also be employed with leg raises as well, but you’ll need the help of a training partner. Have him or her push down on your legs as they drop into the lowering position. This will increase the intensity of the upward lift. All in all, you can hit more muscle fibers by the 10th rep than you would doing twice as many leg raises with no resistance at all.

Experiment with these ideas and see if you can come up with a few of your own. (For more ideas on unusual exercises that will shock the muscles into greater growth check Nelson Montana’s books – The Bodybuilding Truth and Bottom Line Bodybuilding – sold here for the best price on the net).

And as mentioned, when it comes to perfect abdominal development, low bodyfat is the key. That means staying aware of calorie consumption in the form of excessive fats and carbs. You also want to keep the thyroid working at full efficiency which is why we recommend ZIP along with your daily supplements. ZIP is caffeine free, but for an added kick, you can use some caffeine product such as coffe or Red Bull or even Mountain Dew. Just keep in mind, caffeine in itself does not burn fat. The reason it’s added to so many so called “fat loss’ products is it will give you extra stimulation which in tune can lead to burning more calories during a workout. But don’t count on burning too many calories that way. The bottom line still comes down to diet and thyroid output.

Try these suggestions and you’ll be on your way to a sleeker, harder midsection faster than you even thought possible.