Monday, January 25, 2010

Killer QC-Mega Potent Pre/Post Workout Supplement

In the ever daunting task of finding the greatest post workout/recovery supplement, we know that the best recovery supplements contain a mixture of carbohydrates and protein. And if you are a frequent visitor to you should know that the carbohydrate should be a high glycemic type of carb like maltodextrin or dextrose and a hydrolyzed protein. Getting even more advanced you should know that an ever better type of carb post workout should come from rice, not corn, and you should be well versed in how to judge the quality of a hydrolyzed protein. Not by just looking at the grams of protein in the supplement facts panel but by knowing what the molecular weight average is of the particular protein. This leads us to the fact that...

the best post workout supplement will contain a carbohydrate from rice and a hydrolyzed protein with a low molecular weight average. But it doesn’t end there….

I have access to all the protein I want. I even have access to some proteins that I don’t even sell on My post workout supplement consists of a rice carbohydrate and a hydrolyzed protein. Every now and then I will do a cycle of creatine monohydrate. Pretty basic. But one problem that I still have been having with my supplements is the fact that I still get very sore days following training. Muscle soreness hurts. Most of you should know what I am talking about here, especially soreness in your legs. You walk around like you are walking on glass without shoes. You try to get in and out of chairs like you have a mean case of hemorrhoids. Muscle soreness of course is caused by intense training. Looking at research we know that muscle soreness is caused by three things: The first is mechanical stress, which is an “accumulation of microscopic tears to muscle fiber membranes and protein filaments that happen as a consequence of repetitive, intense muscle contractions. The body’s efforts to repair such damage entails increased blood flow to the area, and with increased blood flow comes inflammation, and with inflammation comes soreness” (ref powering muscle). In layman’s terms, lifting weights=inflammation=soreness. The second is oxidative stress, sparing everyone the scientific detail, which is boring as hell, but in a nut shell, increased need for oxygen in the body, during training, increases free radicals inside the body damaging muscle cells. Lastly, cortisol. This is a catabolic hormone that is released by our body during times of stress. Cortisol causes muscle soreness.

Walking around sore, means walking around catabolic. Walking around catabolic means you are not building any muscles. And what sucks is that every time I workout I get sore. Usually I am sore for a couple of days. The worst soreness has to be legs, followed by chest, then arms, then back, and then shoulders, and you can really throw in abs anywhere. But what my soreness also tells me is that my carbohydrate and protein supplement is having a hard winning battle against the forces of evil Cortisol hormone, and could use a strong allie, sort of like how Spiderman needed the Goblin to defeat Sandman and Venom. We have a ton of things working against the body to break down muscle mass, which mostly everyone is at fault for, (nothing you can do about getting a cold or something), and we are only feeding it a supply of carbs and protein. I started to think about what extra ammunition I could use pre and or post workout.

Here is what I came up with….

First I wanted to find a product that was a total super heavy weight. A product that was just off the hook in terms of quality. I wanted to find a product that when you used it would totally kick ass in the body in terms of fighting off muscle stress and really stress in general. What I found was a product called Maqui. Maqui is a deep purple berry that grows in remote distant, Patagonia one of the cleanest places on earth. Maqui has the highest antioxidant level of all fruits as measured by
Brunswick laboratories. The fruit juice of the Maqui berry has an ORAC value of >50,000 μmole TE/100g and anthocyanin value of 2242mg/100g. The concentrated extract has an ORAC value of > 90,000 μmole TE/100g and anthocyannins value of 4027mg/100g.

This chart - ORAC Value of Various Fruits gives you an idea of how powerful this fruit is.

I have the Maqui powder! As you can see this fruit totally kicks some ass! And besides kicking a lot of ass, here is what it can do in relationship to helping you build muscle. First it can totally eat up any free radicals inside the body produced by oxidative stress, otherwise know as free radical damage. This in turn will reduce muscle soreness. Second Maqui can reduce inflammation. From what I just talked about, inflammation is a major cause of muscle soreness and of course a catabolic event in the body. Lastly because Maqui is THE most potent fruit right now on the planet I thought I might list some other things it could possibly do

  • Neutralize enzymes that destroy connective tissue, prevents oxidants from damaging connective tissue, and repair damaged proteins in the blood-vessel walls
  • Lightens allergic reactions and increase capillary permeability.
  • Promote cardiovascular health by preventing oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), and protecting blood vessels wall from oxidative damage.
  • Maintain small blood vessel integrity by stabilizing capillary walls.
  • May improve eyesight
  • Support healthy blood sugar level

All in all this is one anti-catabolic supplement. It makes sense to add it to a high GI carb and a hydrolyzed protein for your pre or post workout shake. Essentially we are combining two anabolic supplements with an anti-catabolic supplement.

The next ingredient I used, a not so new and probably the most popular vitamin today, is Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant and is a very good choice to battle inflammation and stress. But of course I wanted to get my hands on the best Vitamin C supplement possible. Vitamin C is a very soluble vitamin. The body absorbs it quite easily. But I still wanted to get the best Vitamin C I could find. What I found was a vitamin C with naturally derived lipid metabolites to enhance the uptake. This Lipid Vitamin C is proven with a ton of research behind it to scavenge free radicals in the body better than any other form of vitamin C.

So now I have a one, two, body blow, upper cut post workout supplement formula. I will be calling this new post workout supplement additive “Killer QC “ By using my new “Killer QC” I have a strong feeling it will improve your recovery time, increase anabolic activity, decrease catabolic activity, improve overall health, and all in all help you build more MUSCLE!

Each tsp is 500mg of Maqui and 500mg of Vitamin C

300 gram unit

Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 1 tsp (5 grams)
Servings per Container: 60

Ingredients & Amount per Serving:
Maqui-500 mg
Anthocyanin Composition
Delfinidin-3-glucoarabinoside-5-glucoside, Delfinidin 3,5-diglucoside, Cyanidin-3-glucoarabinoside-5-glucoside, Cyanidine 3,5-diglucoside, Delfinidin 3-glucoarabinoside, Delfinidin 5-glucoarabinoside, Delfinidin 3-glucoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoarabinoside, Cyanidin 3-glucoside

Ascorbic Acid-500 mg

Recommended Usage: Take 1 level teaspoon immediately before, during, or after working out or physical activity. For best results, take with a protein and carbohydrate pre or post workout. Do not use more than once per day.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Essential Fatty Acid Supplements

Whether you are an athlete or simply health conscious, it is important to understand the vital role that fats play in our diet. Our diet-obsessed culture has led many individuals to cut fat out entirely of their diets in the hopes of losing weight--something that is both unhealthy and unnecessary. In fact, a number of fats are actually healthy and necessary in order to gain muscle mass and stay lean.

Whether you are an athlete or simply health conscious, it is important to understand the vital role that fats play in our diet. Our diet-obsessed culture has led many individuals to cut fat out entirely of their diets in the hopes of losing weight--something that is both unhealthy and unnecessary. In fact, a number of fats are actually healthy and necessary in order to gain muscle mass and stay lean.

Although the body is capable of creating many types of fat on its own, there are a number of important ones that it cannot. These are known as essential fatty acids and are required in a healthy diet in order help with the growth and maintenance of our body's cells. Since it is often difficult to get the proper dosage in one's diet on a regular basis, the use of essential fatty acid supplements is an easy way to help maintain overall health.

One of the most effective essential fatty acid supplements is flax seed oil. Composed of approximately one-third oil, the rest of its ingredients include fiber, protein and mucilage. In addition to providing a number of vitamins and minerals, flax seed oil is also a powerful source of three essential fatty acids. At Protein Factory, we use an organic process to extract the oil from the flax seed and do not refine the oil.

In today's fast paced world, most individuals overlook the importance of their nutrition. In fact, recent studies have shown that most North Americans lack many crucial essential fatty acids in their diet. At Protein Factory, we have dedicated ourselves to creating healthy supplements that are easy to take, ensuring your body gets the nourishment it needs to stay healthy and keep you active

Monday, January 11, 2010

Soy protein BAD, I don

By Alex Rogers,

Claims have been made that soy protein raises estrogen levels. Not good if you were a bodybuilder looking to add lean muscle mass.

Hormonal Studies.

1)A study found that soy protein isolate (daidzein) may have a gender specific normalizing effect on sex-hormone production. Male lab animals experienced greater testosterone and growth-hormone excretion as well as muscle growth" This contradicts the study that found that genestein decreased testosterone serum.

2)Another study found that soy may be actually anti-strogenic. . They may also act as anti-strogens by competing for the binding sites of estrogen receptors or the active site of the estrogen biosynthesizing and metabolizing enzymes, such as aromatize and estrogen-specific 17 beta-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (type 1).

3)Probably the best research study contracting the one used by the author of "The bad protein" is this.

The phytoestrogens are only found in raw soy products. Not soy protein isolates, which are used as protein supplements for bodybuilders.

"There are very little data on effects of phytoestrogens in males. Estrogenic effects in wildlife have been described but the evidence for the role of phytoestrogens is indirect and seen under conditions of excessive exposure."

And what is most interesting about this study is that it was conducted by one of the same researchers at the same university as the study that found genistein lowered testosterone serum levels. This researcher concluded that even though he found genestein has estrogenic effects, it really cant be concluded because of the above statement in his other research findings.

Hence, he found soy to be estrogenic, but it really cant be "hard" evidence because there is not enough proof and it involves ridiculous conditions.

See what I mean by two sides to every story..

Positive Benefits of soy

The amino acid profile of soy is excellent. If you don’t know by now the Glutamic Acid level is higher than whey. Why? Mainly because it is a plant protein and not dairy.
Soy has been proven to lower heart disease risks and cancer. Now there are about a million studies on this statement. I not going to quote any.
Soy protein actually improves kidney function.
When soy was combined with a carbohydrate in comparison with casein. Lower body fat gains were observed.
Character witnesses.

1)Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale , probably one of the greatest sports nutritionist authors to ever live. (and trust me on this one) quoted in Muscle Media Magazine. "I use a combination of soy, casein, and whey protein that I make up myself from three different products, each one containing on of the protein isolates in quality form"

Supplementation: If your taking any form of pro-hormones beware. Do not think that your immune to the estrogen build up in your body. With any increase in testosterone levels your body tries to balance itself out by increasing estrogen. Even though pro-hormones are much weaker than anabolic steroids they still cause a rise in estrogen levels. By taking soy protein XT, about 60 grams a day this might combat some of the feminization effects.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Best Tasting Protein

It’s a fact: Protein shakes are simply the most efficient method of getting enough top quality protein to grow more muscle. You need it. End of story. But as simple and convenient as taking in a protein shake two or three times a day may be, if something doesn’t taste good, there will come a time when you’ll be less likely to eat it. That’s why we take care in obtaining the best flavoring and we don’t make any of those horrible “drinks in a can” which taste like artificially flavored water. Most other companies also add vitamins and minerals to their protein shake, which may seem like a good idea in terms of using it as meal replacement but vitamins and minerals have a distinctive sour taste and it’ll ruin the flavor of a drink that should taste like a treat. You’re much better off taking Protein Factory’s DX7, which has vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants, adaptogens , methyl donors , ergogenic co factors and special anabolic and anti catabolic agents. No meal replacement on the planet comes close to that. As a matter of fact, there isn’t a multi vitamin on the market that compares to it. One serving a day and you’ll have all the strength, and energy to blast through the toughest work outs. And in this way, you can have your protein shakes free of any “after taste.”

At Protein Factory, our protein is the cleanest and purest on the market. Unlike other companies, it doesn’t sit in canisters for months on end. What you get is the freshest product available. And as much detail as we spend in getting the best flavorings, we realize taste is subjective and we’ll admit, there are just some flavors which will not be as good as those made right before you throw it in a blender. If you don’t mind spending a little extra time in order to get the absolute best tasting protein drink, you may want to consider buying your protein unflavored and unsweetened and adding your own flavors. Adding fresh strawberries and a packet of Splenda to unflavored protein will certainly taste fresher than any pre-made flavoring.

When it comes to vanilla flavoring, adding some real sugar seems to make it come alive. Completely artificially sweetened vanilla drinks never seem to taste quite right. And vanilla syrup is more “vanilla-y” than powdered vanilla. That’s why using bland protein and adding U Bet vanilla syrup with a splash of vanilla extract will create a vanilla milk shake comparable to what you’d get at a gourmet ice cream store. You can also get vanilla syrup made with Sweet and Low, in which case adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream works great.

Chocolate lovers use a combination of Nestlé’s chocolate with equal parts Nestlé’s sugar free chocolate with their favorite Protein Factory blend and it blows away any chocolate formula you’ll find anywhere.

And remember, when you order BIG BLAST, it already contains dextrose and hydrolyzed rice syrup (which taste like sucrose) so there’s no need for extra sugar or artificial sweetening. It’s great just as it is. Plus, you get creatine, Nitic Oxide and EFA’s. BIG BLAST is not only the most powerful lean-mass gainer on the market, it’s one of the best bargains you’ll find.

It’s a bit more work, but if taste is important to you, try some of these home made tips. And if you discover something you think is unique, let us know!

Another reason why buying from Protein Factory makes sense. Quality. Price Versatility. Get protein. Get huge.