Monday, January 4, 2010

The Best Tasting Protein

It’s a fact: Protein shakes are simply the most efficient method of getting enough top quality protein to grow more muscle. You need it. End of story. But as simple and convenient as taking in a protein shake two or three times a day may be, if something doesn’t taste good, there will come a time when you’ll be less likely to eat it. That’s why we take care in obtaining the best flavoring and we don’t make any of those horrible “drinks in a can” which taste like artificially flavored water. Most other companies also add vitamins and minerals to their protein shake, which may seem like a good idea in terms of using it as meal replacement but vitamins and minerals have a distinctive sour taste and it’ll ruin the flavor of a drink that should taste like a treat. You’re much better off taking Protein Factory’s DX7, which has vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants, adaptogens , methyl donors , ergogenic co factors and special anabolic and anti catabolic agents. No meal replacement on the planet comes close to that. As a matter of fact, there isn’t a multi vitamin on the market that compares to it. One serving a day and you’ll have all the strength, and energy to blast through the toughest work outs. And in this way, you can have your protein shakes free of any “after taste.”

At Protein Factory, our protein is the cleanest and purest on the market. Unlike other companies, it doesn’t sit in canisters for months on end. What you get is the freshest product available. And as much detail as we spend in getting the best flavorings, we realize taste is subjective and we’ll admit, there are just some flavors which will not be as good as those made right before you throw it in a blender. If you don’t mind spending a little extra time in order to get the absolute best tasting protein drink, you may want to consider buying your protein unflavored and unsweetened and adding your own flavors. Adding fresh strawberries and a packet of Splenda to unflavored protein will certainly taste fresher than any pre-made flavoring.

When it comes to vanilla flavoring, adding some real sugar seems to make it come alive. Completely artificially sweetened vanilla drinks never seem to taste quite right. And vanilla syrup is more “vanilla-y” than powdered vanilla. That’s why using bland protein and adding U Bet vanilla syrup with a splash of vanilla extract will create a vanilla milk shake comparable to what you’d get at a gourmet ice cream store. You can also get vanilla syrup made with Sweet and Low, in which case adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream works great.

Chocolate lovers use a combination of Nestlé’s chocolate with equal parts Nestlé’s sugar free chocolate with their favorite Protein Factory blend and it blows away any chocolate formula you’ll find anywhere.

And remember, when you order BIG BLAST, it already contains dextrose and hydrolyzed rice syrup (which taste like sucrose) so there’s no need for extra sugar or artificial sweetening. It’s great just as it is. Plus, you get creatine, Nitic Oxide and EFA’s. BIG BLAST is not only the most powerful lean-mass gainer on the market, it’s one of the best bargains you’ll find.

It’s a bit more work, but if taste is important to you, try some of these home made tips. And if you discover something you think is unique, let us know!

Another reason why buying from Protein Factory makes sense. Quality. Price Versatility. Get protein. Get huge.

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