Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Alex's Weight Loss Stacks

Being that it is January, and everybody I’m sure has the same goal for the New Year- Get back into shape…I have come up with a few weight loss stacks that you can use. They are based on two things; the notion of increasing overall health that alerts the body into a condition of anabolism and anti-catabolism and customer feedback and personal experience.

If you are not eating healthy your chances of losing muscle mass while restricting calories is amplified. If you are not making the gain you want, stop wasting your money on, overly-hyped muscle building supplement, and start giving your body the nutrients and fuel your needs.

Stack #1 for getting ripped

Protein. Use the PF Fast Loss or Advanced Muscle Gain. Both of these proteins are incredible for weight loss and keeping out of a catabolic state.

Dietary Fat. Krill Oil. Provides the body with huge dose of anti-oxidants.

Green Muscle. A stack of green powders.

Advantra Z. Still the ONLY proven thermogenic product on the face of the earth.

Stack #2 for quality mass gains

Posigain or PF Growth Formula. Carbs and quality protein for anabolic results.

Super Plasma Protein. The ultimate protein for muscle growth. 50% IGG and yields high amounts of growth factors.

Killer QC. Use Post-workout with of course a good Post Training formula.

Stack #3. I’m going freakin’ nuts stack!

Protein. Advanced Muscle Gain

A good MRP for during the day. Big Blast

Krill Oil.

Killer QC. For post-workout.

Tetra Pump. My ultimate pre or post-workout formula.

Purple Muscle. My favorite flavor for getting my fruits and some veggies

1 comment:

  1. Higher Protein Diets Help Weight Loss, Women Find this protein items
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