Monday, February 1, 2010

Chemically Insane

An Interview with Anthony Roberts

From 1981 to 2000, the underground world of performance enhancing drugs revolved around a man named Dan Duchaine. Dan was a chemical maverick: smart, creative, edgy, and perhaps a little crazy. He wrote books on the subject, he introduced American bodybuilders to clenbuterol and DNP, he helped Olympic athletes beat drug tests, and he went to prison more than once for his involvement in black market drug labs.

Since his death in 2000, many "gurus" have tried to fill Dan's shoes. None of them so far have had that spark of un-scrupled edginess that defined Duchaine. But talking to new T-Nation contributor Anthony Roberts, one begins to see a glimmer of that spark. Roberts has also written a book on steroids, has also done some time in the clink, and also seems to be a bit, well, nuts.

Sounds like just the kind of person we like to interview.

T-Nation: Anthony, you've written a book on 'roids: Anabolic Steroids: Ultimate Research Guide. What makes you such an expert?

Anthony Roberts:

T-Nation: How did you first get into steroids and related drugs?


T-Nation: You've written that you pretty much stay on steroids all year long. Seriously? Is there a safe way to do that or are you just insane?


T-Nation: So, given your year round use of steroids, how big are you now?


T-Nation: Can you give us an example of what a cycle of yours might look like? Since you stay on almost all the time, I'm guessing these might be lighter dosages.


T-Nation: What's the single craziest thing you've ever done involving steroids or related drugs?


T-Nation: Interesting. Okay, Anthony, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. You're an ex-con. How'd you get put in the slammer?


T-Nation: Dan Duchaine was a two-time convicted felon; Bruce Kneller (a.k.a. Brock Strasser) has been charged with possession with intent to distribute steroids; Patrick Arnold is taking heat for making "the Clear" for BALCO... You gurus in this field get in a whole lot of trouble, and you've already had some troubles of your own. So, um, are we going to read about you in the paper soon?


T-Nation: Speaking of that, Anthony, almost all T-Nation authors have their haters, but you seem to have more than your share. What's the deal?


T-Nation: That is kinda scary. Some of our worst trolls rack up 30,000-plus posts on various forums.


T-Nation: Glad you were able to get at least some of that off your chest! Let's move on, though. Anything new or upcoming out there in the chemical enhancement world that has you excited?


T-Nation: Ouch, not good. What, in your opinion, are some of the most overrated performance enhancing drugs out there?


T-Nation: Bodybuilders, if we can judge them by their enormous craniums and distended guts, seems to be shooting barrels of GH these days. Is that trend catching on in the athletic world?


T-Nation: What's going on out there in the world of non-muscle-building drugs used by bodybuilders? Nubain was hot a few years ago. Ecstasy was big, and probably still is. Anything new making the rounds?


T-Nation: Why do you think so many athletes and bodybuilders also get involved with other non-performance enhancing drugs?


T-Nation: Back to steroids in sports, what should be done? Any way to stop it?

T-Nation: Interesting point. Okay, on a personal note, I read that you're a vegetarian. Hold on a sec, meat is bad but steroids 365 days a year is okay? What's up with that?

T-Nation: Fair enough. What's up with this modeling gig you landed? So you're a steroid expert/model now?

T-Nation: What final bit of advice would you offer the T-Nation reader who's thinking about trying steroids?


T-Nation: Good advice. Where can our readers find your book?

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