Look in any of the fitness magazines and you’ll see diets and exercise routines designed specifically for women. But is there really a difference in the way women lose fat? No. The biology is the same. But, wait a minute. There may be a couple of things that make it appear like there’s more of a difference than one may realize.
Women hold more fat in the thighs and hips, whereas men hold more fat in the abs and obliques. These are the favorite spots where liposuction is often the last resort. Unfortunately, except for the obliques, lipo often leaves a loose lumpy appearance in the area where the fat was removed. Even with surgery you need to get in the best shape possible.
So what’s the best approach for women to lose fat in the areas they want it the least? The same as for men – diet and exercise. But there is another factor in fat loss for women that is often overlooked.
Over 40% of all women over the age of 30 suffer from some form of hypothyroidism. Not in the clinical sense where they need medication, but just enough to slow the metabolism down and make fat loss that much harder. (As if it wasn’t hard enough).
Women also tend to retain water due to fluctuations in estrogen. This cause that bloated feeling that also gives the appearance of fat. But these problems can easily be remedied with some simple supplements.
ZIP is a thyroid booster that is 100% safe and effective. It’ll help you burn more calories and make the most of every exercise session.
POST CYCLE contains natural anti estrogens which safely remove the bad estrones associated with bone loss, breast cancer and fat deposits.
DEFINITION is a mild urinary tonic that helps flush the system of excess fluids and toxins.
Put them all together and you have a quick, effective way to manage the “excess weight” problems that tend to be specific to women.
Why wait? Try this simple healthy alternative to crazy diets and dangerous diet pills and start losing fat fast!
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