Claims have been made that soy protein raises estrogen levels. Not good if you were a bodybuilder looking to add lean muscle mass.
Hormonal Studies.
1)A study found that soy protein isolate (daidzein) may have a gender specific normalizing effect on sex-hormone production. Male lab animals experienced greater testosterone and growth-hormone excretion as well as muscle growth" This contradicts the study that found that genestein decreased testosterone serum.
2)Another study found that soy may be actually anti-strogenic. . They may also act as anti-strogens by competing for the binding sites of estrogen receptors or the active site of the estrogen biosynthesizing and metabolizing enzymes, such as aromatize and estrogen-specific 17 beta-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (type 1).
3)Probably the best research study contracting the one used by the author of "The bad protein" is this.
The phytoestrogens are only found in raw soy products. Not soy protein isolates, which are used as protein supplements for bodybuilders.
"There are very little data on effects of phytoestrogens in males. Estrogenic effects in wildlife have been described but the evidence for the role of phytoestrogens is indirect and seen under conditions of excessive exposure."
And what is most interesting about this study is that it was conducted by one of the same researchers at the same university as the study that found genistein lowered testosterone serum levels. This researcher concluded that even though he found genestein has estrogenic effects, it really cant be concluded because of the above statement in his other research findings.
Hence, he found soy to be estrogenic, but it really cant be "hard" evidence because there is not enough proof and it involves ridiculous conditions.
See what I mean by two sides to every story..
Positive Benefits of soy
The amino acid profile of soy is excellent. If you don’t know by now the Glutamic Acid level is higher than whey. Why? Mainly because it is a plant protein and not dairy.
Soy has been proven to lower heart disease risks and cancer. Now there are about a million studies on this statement. I not going to quote any.
Soy protein actually improves kidney function.
When soy was combined with a carbohydrate in comparison with casein. Lower body fat gains were observed.
Character witnesses.
1)Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale , probably one of the greatest sports nutritionist authors to ever live. (and trust me on this one) quoted in Muscle Media Magazine. "I use a combination of soy, casein, and whey protein that I make up myself from three different products, each one containing on of the protein isolates in quality form"
Supplementation: If your taking any form of pro-hormones beware. Do not think that your immune to the estrogen build up in your body. With any increase in testosterone levels your body tries to balance itself out by increasing estrogen. Even though pro-hormones are much weaker than anabolic steroids they still cause a rise in estrogen levels. By taking soy protein XT, about 60 grams a day this might combat some of the feminization effects.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Lean Summer Protein
Summer is the time when you should be trying to keep your body fat down. This means eating low GI carbs, fruits and veggies, and lots of slow releasing proteins like Milk Isolate, Micellar Casein, or Aussie Caseinate. Why? Because I think it is more important to be anti-catabolic during this time. Anti-catabolic means keeping your body out of a muscle wasting state. The trick is to keep a supply of amino acids in the blood stream as long as possible. The best way to do this is a combination of a slow release protein, a high dose of Glutamine, and a dose of immunoglobulins. One of my favorite combinations is 5% Glutamine Peptides, 5% Ajinomoto L-Glutamine (I just obtained the #1 quality L-Glutamine in the world), 5% Super Plasma, 35% Aussie Caseinate, and 50% Micellar Casein with Aminogen. Keep in mind that the body only cares about survival. The more muscle mass you have on your frame, the more energy it takes for you to live. That is why the body is constantly breaking down muscle mass. Look what happens when you stop working out or decrease your calories, you lose muscle mass. The goal with the formula I just gave you can actually be called a “survival” protein. Micellar and Aussie are naturally high in glutamic acid. And then by adding Glutamine Peptides and L-Glutamine you are getting a hefty dose. Now here is the kicker. L-Glutamine is a very popular supplement, but if you talk to me on the phone or on the message board you can catch me not recommending this product, most of the time. Why? Because L-glutamine, even Glutamine peptides is not a muscle building supplement. You will not find one published study proving the ergogenic benefit of Glutamine supplements. Secondly, I think it is the most mis-understood supplement ever produced. In my opinion it is more of a “survival” supplement, and/or immuno-enhancing product. Thus I love it for this reason. Most people buy it with thought that it will build muscle. But if you buy it, you buy it to “spare” muscle mass from being chewed up for energy. If you happen to let your body begin to convert amino acids into glycogen, most likely Glutamine is going to be the first one to go. You can easily find the old “your body’s muscles are made up of over 50% glutamic acid.” Thus when you take Glutamine, you are actually theorizing that you are using an energy supplement instead of an anabolic product. You will notice that I also put in our great protein Super Plasma protein. Super Plasma is the #1 choice for immuno enhancement. It is 50% IGG. This is great for the immune system.
Thus we have just created a protein powder with a huge anti-catabolic effect. Much higher than Whey Protein Concentrate. Thus if you are looking to cut your body fat down and get lean for the last half of the summer, try this formula and give your body a chance to fight catabolism. Remember, that many top steroid guru’s and supplement experts believe that anabolic steroids work so well because of their uncanny ability to keep the body out of a catabolic state. The idea of this Glutamine, Super Plasma, Casein blend is to do just that, keep the body from dipping into a negative nitrogen condition.
Try this in a blender or shaker
1 scoop of OatMuscle
1 scoop of above formula
2 Tbs of hemp oil
3 fish oil gels
¼ tsp of Creatine
Talk about a real “muscle” sparing protein formula.
Thus we have just created a protein powder with a huge anti-catabolic effect. Much higher than Whey Protein Concentrate. Thus if you are looking to cut your body fat down and get lean for the last half of the summer, try this formula and give your body a chance to fight catabolism. Remember, that many top steroid guru’s and supplement experts believe that anabolic steroids work so well because of their uncanny ability to keep the body out of a catabolic state. The idea of this Glutamine, Super Plasma, Casein blend is to do just that, keep the body from dipping into a negative nitrogen condition.
Try this in a blender or shaker
1 scoop of OatMuscle
1 scoop of above formula
2 Tbs of hemp oil
3 fish oil gels
¼ tsp of Creatine
Talk about a real “muscle” sparing protein formula.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Whey vs. Casein
Until now, proteins have been viewed from a quantitative aspect because they were considered inert and inactive. It’s time to reconsider the view: Proteins contain amino acids that are indeed powerful growth factors. You can only obtain the muscle building effect of proteins with qualitative approach, something that bodybuilders have neglected. What really matters is the number of feedings, the proper times and the dynamic manipulation of both the amount and the source of proteins. I’m going to show you how to take advantage of the pharmaceutical muscle-building effects of proteins.
Fast, Anabolic Proteins vs. Slow Anti-catabolic Ones
Whey and Casein are very closely related forms of proteins that are both derived from milk. Bodybuilders used to consider them interchangeable. Some argued that whey was superior to casein, while others claimed the opposite. As a result bodybuilders used either whey or casein but not both, with each camp thinking that it had found the very best protein. Whey and casein have two radically different but complementary muscle-building properties. Indeed, a recently published French study compared those properties and the results showed that oral intake of 30 grams of whey protein very rapidly increased the level of amino acids in the blood in healthy young subjects. Consequently, anabolism was boosted by 68 percent.
Unfortunately whey’s muscle-building potential is transient-the paired and important rise in blood amino acid level is followed by a quick fall-and the results also showed no significance anti-catabolic effects.
On the other hand, 30 grams of casein resulted in a delayed but long-lasting elevation of amino acid levels in the blood, while the anabolic boosting effect were 31 percent milder than those of whey. In fact, casein’s long-lasting, anti-catabolic effect was its main advantage.
Since whey and casein are very different, you should use whey whenever you want a strong and rapid boost of anabolism. It’s a superior protein to eat first thing in the morning and immediately after training. Casein is the best choice whenever you need long lasting anti-catabolic protection: for example at night.
Note that the qualities of being anabolic or anti-catabolic apply to more than skeletal muscles. The researchers measured both whole body protein synthesis and degradation, so we don’t know exactly how much the muscles have benefited from those favorable effects. Nevertheless, its obvious that muscle growth is faster in an anabolic or anti-catabolic environment than in a strongly catabolic situation. As the study involved untrained subjects, its likely that bodybuilders would have gotten even stronger effects because of their protein-hungry muscles.
This study demonstrates the importance of timing protein intake and choosing the right source of protein. The results bring us to another fundamental question" Why is whey so anabolic when casein is so anti-catabolic?
Blood levels of amino acids do not fluctuate that much during the day in healthy bodybuilders. Eating a meal rich in proteins elevates the amino acids level slightly but not much. Fasting during the night slightly reduces it. In that case catabolic hormones such as cortisol will rise and induce muscle proteolysis; that is the breakdown of protein. Some of the muscle’s amino acids will therefore pass into the blood, which helps sustain a constant blood amino acid level while you sleep. Consequently, blood amino acid levels are never very high or very low for very long-unless you fast for a prolonged period.
The term hyperglycemia means there’s too much glucose in the blood. You may be more familiar with the rem hypoglycemia, which describes a low blood glucose level. As with the blood amino acid level, glucose is closely controlled. Glycemia may rise after a high carb meal, but unless you suffer from diabetes, it will be brief and moderate. When you fast, your blood glucose level falls slightly. That triggers the manufacture of glucose from amino acids in both the liver and the kidneys, which boosts blood glucose levels. As a result your blood glucose levels are also never very high and never very low.
Similar to the terminology used for glucose, Hyperaminoacidemia occurs when blood amino levels are greatly increased, and Hypoaminoacidemia occurs when they are low. The key point for bodybuilders is that a Hyperaminoacidemia induced by an amino acid intake automatically triggers anabolism. Scientists have discovered that there are thresholds of amino acids in the blood: When you get past a certain level of elevation anabolism is triggered. As you can imagine, its no that easy to reach the threshold. Scientists use amino acid infusion.
As stated above, ven a meal that’s is rich in protein s is unlikely to induce a significant Hyperaminoacidemia. Proteins from foods are slow to digest, so their arrival in the blood is sustained but very slow, and consequently, the amino acid level in the blood rises slowly. Once is slightly elevated organs such as the liver remove those aminos from the blood. As they enter the blood slowly, the liver has no trouble keeping up. So the rise in blood amino acids is never as high as bodybuilders might wish. In contrast, the amino acids infusions given by scientists bypass the digestive track, and the level. Of blood amino acids increases quickly, which overwhelms the liver’s ability to extract amino acids from the blood, creating a condition of Hyperaminoacidemia. Growth is triggered by pharmacological means.
Until recently, it was almost impossible to induce a pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia with food or supplements, so bodybuilders had to make do with more moderate physiological Hyperaminoacidemia. That’s a shame, as the stronger the Hyperaminoacidemia, the more powerful the anabolic drive. The arrival of predigested whey protein was a big breakthrough for the bodybuilding community, as it has the amazing property of inducing a quick sharp elevation of the amino acid level in the blood. In other words, it can trigger the strongest Hyperaminoacidemia possible.
By almost bypassing digestion, whey protein overwhelms the liver capacity for extracting amino acids from the blood. It affects your body in a pharmacological way that only amino acid infusion can duplicate.
That is not possible with casein. Its is slow digestion only products a physiological Hyperaminoacidemia, which means the amino acid level is high but within normal limits.
Meals rich in protein wont induce a pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia, either as the digestion of protein is even slower than what occurs with casein because of the fibers, fats and other elements that delay digestion.
Long-Term Muscle Protection Against Catabolism
As the amount of whey you eat at a given time is limited, the fast and powerful arrival of amino acids is short-lived. When new amino acids stop arriving in the blood, the organs that extract them stop being overwhelmed and the blood levels of amino acids are brought back to normal. When that happens, the powerful effects of whey vanish. Anabolism falls and catabolism dominates again.
Casein does not produce such a rise and fall in blood amino acid levels due to its timed-release action. The blood level of amino acid s elevates slightly but for a long period. Scientists have shown that a small elevation of blood amino acids greatly reduces catabolism. You could get a long-lasting anti-catabolic effect like that with whey if, instead of absorbing 30 grams at once, you took 10 grams every hour. You would not get any pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia, but the constant arrival of small amounts of amino acids would reduce catabolism.
By the same token, if the researchers in the French study had used 60 grams of casein instead of 30, its more likely that the subjects blood amino levels would have reached the critical threshold at some point. In that case casein, after a delay, would have first reduced catabolism, and then, when the peak of blood amino acids had been reached, it would have triggered anabolism. After that peak the casein would have recovered its mainly anti-catabolic function and stopped being significantly anabolic.
There are three points to remember from this study.
Whatever the dose is, amino acid derived from whey will always reach the blood before the amino acids derived from casein. The long-lasting anti-catabolic effect of casein can be duplicated by frequent ingestion of small amounts of whey. Of course its unlikely that you’re going to wake up every hours during the night to have your whey drink, so whey proteins are not’t practical if you’re looking for a prolong anti-catabolic effect. In order to get a strong anabolic action from casein, you need a far higher dose of it than whey to get the same effect-and casein’s effect take a lot longer to kick in than whey’s effects.
Comments from the
The most important fact in the article HYPERAMINOACIDEMIA. With the use of a hydrolyzed whey protein you can achieve this effect. Getting a flush of amino acids into the blood stream will cause an anabolic effect. Using regular whey protein concentrate or whey isolate will not do this. But what the article failed to do was to go into detail about hydrolyzed whey protein. If you want details about hydrolyzed whey protein, read article #2 Hydrolyzed whey protein and their friend the peptide. Only the offers the lowest MW hydrolyzed whey protein the 520. But I won’t take credit for the first company to do this. back in 1998. Metaform put out a supplement called Proton. It contains hydrolyzed whey and hydrolyzed casein. Great supplement but contained fructose and of course tasted like horses’ ass. Thus it did not sell. They also had a tit for tat with AST research a while back. AST tried to claim their protein was hydrolyzed whey but no –no total scam. If you have not learned yet- HYDROLYZED PROTEIN TASTES TERRIBLE EVEN IF YOU ADD FLAVORING. That is why Metaform had to try to add as much fructose (sugar) as possible. Because with out it, normal peoples, not you psychos, wouldn't be able to drink it. Unfortunately even with the fructose the protein tasted bad thus was discontinued.
Only casein can provide this effect. But you have to make sure you taking enough do to this. If you’re going to try to get the anti-catabolic effect from casein.
Timing is everything. Select your proteins carefully and use them at the proper times. Use whey proteins in the mornings and after workouts. Use casein with MRP's and protein powders during the day. Each protein, just like soy, egg, milk, and bovine all have their special properties. If you use them at the right times you will maximize their use.
What Formula to make using
By Alex Rogers
Here are my recommendations:
50% CFM 50% Micellar. This is your number one choice. The protein is evenly divided and contains the two highest quality whole food proteins in the world.
25% WPC, 25% CFM, 25% Milk, 25% Aussie Caseinate. Use this formula to keep the price down but still get an anabolic anti-catabolic effect.
Be forewarned, alot of supplement claim to use Micellar casein, when they are really using milk protein isolate. Unfortunately there is no way to tell. Just ask the company for the Certificate of Analysis.
Fast, Anabolic Proteins vs. Slow Anti-catabolic Ones
Whey and Casein are very closely related forms of proteins that are both derived from milk. Bodybuilders used to consider them interchangeable. Some argued that whey was superior to casein, while others claimed the opposite. As a result bodybuilders used either whey or casein but not both, with each camp thinking that it had found the very best protein. Whey and casein have two radically different but complementary muscle-building properties. Indeed, a recently published French study compared those properties and the results showed that oral intake of 30 grams of whey protein very rapidly increased the level of amino acids in the blood in healthy young subjects. Consequently, anabolism was boosted by 68 percent.
Unfortunately whey’s muscle-building potential is transient-the paired and important rise in blood amino acid level is followed by a quick fall-and the results also showed no significance anti-catabolic effects.
On the other hand, 30 grams of casein resulted in a delayed but long-lasting elevation of amino acid levels in the blood, while the anabolic boosting effect were 31 percent milder than those of whey. In fact, casein’s long-lasting, anti-catabolic effect was its main advantage.
Since whey and casein are very different, you should use whey whenever you want a strong and rapid boost of anabolism. It’s a superior protein to eat first thing in the morning and immediately after training. Casein is the best choice whenever you need long lasting anti-catabolic protection: for example at night.
Note that the qualities of being anabolic or anti-catabolic apply to more than skeletal muscles. The researchers measured both whole body protein synthesis and degradation, so we don’t know exactly how much the muscles have benefited from those favorable effects. Nevertheless, its obvious that muscle growth is faster in an anabolic or anti-catabolic environment than in a strongly catabolic situation. As the study involved untrained subjects, its likely that bodybuilders would have gotten even stronger effects because of their protein-hungry muscles.
This study demonstrates the importance of timing protein intake and choosing the right source of protein. The results bring us to another fundamental question" Why is whey so anabolic when casein is so anti-catabolic?
Blood levels of amino acids do not fluctuate that much during the day in healthy bodybuilders. Eating a meal rich in proteins elevates the amino acids level slightly but not much. Fasting during the night slightly reduces it. In that case catabolic hormones such as cortisol will rise and induce muscle proteolysis; that is the breakdown of protein. Some of the muscle’s amino acids will therefore pass into the blood, which helps sustain a constant blood amino acid level while you sleep. Consequently, blood amino acid levels are never very high or very low for very long-unless you fast for a prolonged period.
The term hyperglycemia means there’s too much glucose in the blood. You may be more familiar with the rem hypoglycemia, which describes a low blood glucose level. As with the blood amino acid level, glucose is closely controlled. Glycemia may rise after a high carb meal, but unless you suffer from diabetes, it will be brief and moderate. When you fast, your blood glucose level falls slightly. That triggers the manufacture of glucose from amino acids in both the liver and the kidneys, which boosts blood glucose levels. As a result your blood glucose levels are also never very high and never very low.
Similar to the terminology used for glucose, Hyperaminoacidemia occurs when blood amino levels are greatly increased, and Hypoaminoacidemia occurs when they are low. The key point for bodybuilders is that a Hyperaminoacidemia induced by an amino acid intake automatically triggers anabolism. Scientists have discovered that there are thresholds of amino acids in the blood: When you get past a certain level of elevation anabolism is triggered. As you can imagine, its no that easy to reach the threshold. Scientists use amino acid infusion.
As stated above, ven a meal that’s is rich in protein s is unlikely to induce a significant Hyperaminoacidemia. Proteins from foods are slow to digest, so their arrival in the blood is sustained but very slow, and consequently, the amino acid level in the blood rises slowly. Once is slightly elevated organs such as the liver remove those aminos from the blood. As they enter the blood slowly, the liver has no trouble keeping up. So the rise in blood amino acids is never as high as bodybuilders might wish. In contrast, the amino acids infusions given by scientists bypass the digestive track, and the level. Of blood amino acids increases quickly, which overwhelms the liver’s ability to extract amino acids from the blood, creating a condition of Hyperaminoacidemia. Growth is triggered by pharmacological means.
Until recently, it was almost impossible to induce a pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia with food or supplements, so bodybuilders had to make do with more moderate physiological Hyperaminoacidemia. That’s a shame, as the stronger the Hyperaminoacidemia, the more powerful the anabolic drive. The arrival of predigested whey protein was a big breakthrough for the bodybuilding community, as it has the amazing property of inducing a quick sharp elevation of the amino acid level in the blood. In other words, it can trigger the strongest Hyperaminoacidemia possible.
By almost bypassing digestion, whey protein overwhelms the liver capacity for extracting amino acids from the blood. It affects your body in a pharmacological way that only amino acid infusion can duplicate.
That is not possible with casein. Its is slow digestion only products a physiological Hyperaminoacidemia, which means the amino acid level is high but within normal limits.
Meals rich in protein wont induce a pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia, either as the digestion of protein is even slower than what occurs with casein because of the fibers, fats and other elements that delay digestion.
Long-Term Muscle Protection Against Catabolism
As the amount of whey you eat at a given time is limited, the fast and powerful arrival of amino acids is short-lived. When new amino acids stop arriving in the blood, the organs that extract them stop being overwhelmed and the blood levels of amino acids are brought back to normal. When that happens, the powerful effects of whey vanish. Anabolism falls and catabolism dominates again.
Casein does not produce such a rise and fall in blood amino acid levels due to its timed-release action. The blood level of amino acid s elevates slightly but for a long period. Scientists have shown that a small elevation of blood amino acids greatly reduces catabolism. You could get a long-lasting anti-catabolic effect like that with whey if, instead of absorbing 30 grams at once, you took 10 grams every hour. You would not get any pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia, but the constant arrival of small amounts of amino acids would reduce catabolism.
By the same token, if the researchers in the French study had used 60 grams of casein instead of 30, its more likely that the subjects blood amino levels would have reached the critical threshold at some point. In that case casein, after a delay, would have first reduced catabolism, and then, when the peak of blood amino acids had been reached, it would have triggered anabolism. After that peak the casein would have recovered its mainly anti-catabolic function and stopped being significantly anabolic.
There are three points to remember from this study.
Whatever the dose is, amino acid derived from whey will always reach the blood before the amino acids derived from casein. The long-lasting anti-catabolic effect of casein can be duplicated by frequent ingestion of small amounts of whey. Of course its unlikely that you’re going to wake up every hours during the night to have your whey drink, so whey proteins are not’t practical if you’re looking for a prolong anti-catabolic effect. In order to get a strong anabolic action from casein, you need a far higher dose of it than whey to get the same effect-and casein’s effect take a lot longer to kick in than whey’s effects.
Comments from the
The most important fact in the article HYPERAMINOACIDEMIA. With the use of a hydrolyzed whey protein you can achieve this effect. Getting a flush of amino acids into the blood stream will cause an anabolic effect. Using regular whey protein concentrate or whey isolate will not do this. But what the article failed to do was to go into detail about hydrolyzed whey protein. If you want details about hydrolyzed whey protein, read article #2 Hydrolyzed whey protein and their friend the peptide. Only the offers the lowest MW hydrolyzed whey protein the 520. But I won’t take credit for the first company to do this. back in 1998. Metaform put out a supplement called Proton. It contains hydrolyzed whey and hydrolyzed casein. Great supplement but contained fructose and of course tasted like horses’ ass. Thus it did not sell. They also had a tit for tat with AST research a while back. AST tried to claim their protein was hydrolyzed whey but no –no total scam. If you have not learned yet- HYDROLYZED PROTEIN TASTES TERRIBLE EVEN IF YOU ADD FLAVORING. That is why Metaform had to try to add as much fructose (sugar) as possible. Because with out it, normal peoples, not you psychos, wouldn't be able to drink it. Unfortunately even with the fructose the protein tasted bad thus was discontinued.
Only casein can provide this effect. But you have to make sure you taking enough do to this. If you’re going to try to get the anti-catabolic effect from casein.
Timing is everything. Select your proteins carefully and use them at the proper times. Use whey proteins in the mornings and after workouts. Use casein with MRP's and protein powders during the day. Each protein, just like soy, egg, milk, and bovine all have their special properties. If you use them at the right times you will maximize their use.
What Formula to make using
By Alex Rogers
Here are my recommendations:
50% CFM 50% Micellar. This is your number one choice. The protein is evenly divided and contains the two highest quality whole food proteins in the world.
25% WPC, 25% CFM, 25% Milk, 25% Aussie Caseinate. Use this formula to keep the price down but still get an anabolic anti-catabolic effect.
Be forewarned, alot of supplement claim to use Micellar casein, when they are really using milk protein isolate. Unfortunately there is no way to tell. Just ask the company for the Certificate of Analysis.
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