Monday, July 26, 2010

Soy Protein Bad, I Don't Think So

Claims have been made that soy protein raises estrogen levels. Not good if you were a bodybuilder looking to add lean muscle mass.

Hormonal Studies.
1)A study found that soy protein isolate (daidzein) may have a gender specific normalizing effect on sex-hormone production. Male lab animals experienced greater testosterone and growth-hormone excretion as well as muscle growth" This contradicts the study that found that genestein decreased testosterone serum.

2)Another study found that soy may be actually anti-strogenic. . They may also act as anti-strogens by competing for the binding sites of estrogen receptors or the active site of the estrogen biosynthesizing and metabolizing enzymes, such as aromatize and estrogen-specific 17 beta-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (type 1).

3)Probably the best research study contracting the one used by the author of "The bad protein" is this.

The phytoestrogens are only found in raw soy products. Not soy protein isolates, which are used as protein supplements for bodybuilders.

"There are very little data on effects of phytoestrogens in males. Estrogenic effects in wildlife have been described but the evidence for the role of phytoestrogens is indirect and seen under conditions of excessive exposure."

And what is most interesting about this study is that it was conducted by one of the same researchers at the same university as the study that found genistein lowered testosterone serum levels. This researcher concluded that even though he found genestein has estrogenic effects, it really cant be concluded because of the above statement in his other research findings.

Hence, he found soy to be estrogenic, but it really cant be "hard" evidence because there is not enough proof and it involves ridiculous conditions.

See what I mean by two sides to every story..

Positive Benefits of soy

The amino acid profile of soy is excellent. If you don’t know by now the Glutamic Acid level is higher than whey. Why? Mainly because it is a plant protein and not dairy.

Soy has been proven to lower heart disease risks and cancer. Now there are about a million studies on this statement. I not going to quote any.

Soy protein actually improves kidney function.

When soy was combined with a carbohydrate in comparison with casein. Lower body fat gains were observed.

Character witnesses.

1)Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale , probably one of the greatest sports nutritionist authors to ever live. (and trust me on this one) quoted in Muscle Media Magazine. "I use a combination of soy, casein, and whey protein that I make up myself from three different products, each one containing on of the protein isolates in quality form"

Supplementation: If your taking any form of pro-hormones beware. Do not think that your immune to the estrogen build up in your body. With any increase in testosterone levels your body tries to balance itself out by increasing estrogen. Even though pro-hormones are much weaker than anabolic steroids they still cause a rise in estrogen levels. By taking soy protein XT, about 60 grams a day this might combat some of the feminization effects.

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