Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Unusual Ab Training
The abs are unquestionably the showcase of any good physique. They’re also the best indicator of all around fitness. If you got abs – it’s a good bet you’re in shape. If you don’t – you ain’t. Big muscles and a big belly just doesn’t cut it. The abs are also the toughest bodypart to develop because they are so easily hidden under stored fat. But even with a low bodyfat percentage you need to develop the abdominal muscles so they stand out clear and defined.
Ab exercises are pretty routine. There are situps, leg raises, and their several variations. But the abs can be worked in many ways. As long as you contract the muscles against resistance, they’re working. And that means they’ll be tighter and firmer. Unfortunately, sit-ups and leg raises don’t offrer much resistance, which is why you have to perform so many of them. For a more effective workout, in less time, it’s better to do sit ups and leg raises with added weight. Don’t worry about the abs getting too big! They’re a very shallow muscle group and it’s almost impossible for them to grow overly large.
One exercise that is a little different, but works the entire abdominal region well is a partial sit up with the arms overhead, holding a weight. It can be a dumbell, or a medicine ball – anything that weighs between 10 and 20 pounds.
Here’s how it’s done:
Lie on you back with the legs bent as if you were going to do a traditional sit up. Now, holding the weight directly overhead with arms outstretched, lift the torso up and reach toward the ceiling. Slowly return back down. You’ll feel the pressure in your stomach right away. It’s tougher, but that’s what makes it so much more effective.
You can also try doing” reverse” sit ups using the seated dipping machine.
Stand, facing the machine and bend forward with your arms on the handles. Now, keeping your back flat and your arms straight, push downward (as if you’re bowing forward) in a slow controlled manner, returning to the original position in the same way. What makes this movement so great is the fact that most seated dipping machines have more than enough weight to tax even the strongest bodybuilder. Instead of doing hundreds of sit ups, you can do 4 sets of 10-20 reps and get much better results.
Resistance can also be employed with leg raises as well, but you’ll need the help of a training partner. Have him or her push down on your legs as they drop into the lowering position. This will increase the intensity of the upward lift. All in all, you can hit more muscle fibers by the 10th rep than you would doing twice as many leg raises with no resistance at all.
Experiment with these ideas and see if you can come up with a few of your own. (For more ideas on unusual exercises that will shock the muscles into greater growth check Nelson Montana’s books – The Bodybuilding Truth and Bottom Line Bodybuilding – sold here for the best price on the net).
And as mentioned, when it comes to perfect abdominal development, low bodyfat is the key. That means staying aware of calorie consumption in the form of excessive fats and carbs. You also want to keep the thyroid working at full efficiency which is why we recommend ZIP along with your daily supplements. ZIP is caffeine free, but for an added kick, you can use some caffeine product such as coffe or Red Bull or even Mountain Dew. Just keep in mind, caffeine in itself does not burn fat. The reason it’s added to so many so called “fat loss’ products is it will give you extra stimulation which in tune can lead to burning more calories during a workout. But don’t count on burning too many calories that way. The bottom line still comes down to diet and thyroid output.
Try these suggestions and you’ll be on your way to a sleeker, harder midsection faster than you even thought possible.
Ab exercises are pretty routine. There are situps, leg raises, and their several variations. But the abs can be worked in many ways. As long as you contract the muscles against resistance, they’re working. And that means they’ll be tighter and firmer. Unfortunately, sit-ups and leg raises don’t offrer much resistance, which is why you have to perform so many of them. For a more effective workout, in less time, it’s better to do sit ups and leg raises with added weight. Don’t worry about the abs getting too big! They’re a very shallow muscle group and it’s almost impossible for them to grow overly large.
One exercise that is a little different, but works the entire abdominal region well is a partial sit up with the arms overhead, holding a weight. It can be a dumbell, or a medicine ball – anything that weighs between 10 and 20 pounds.
Here’s how it’s done:
Lie on you back with the legs bent as if you were going to do a traditional sit up. Now, holding the weight directly overhead with arms outstretched, lift the torso up and reach toward the ceiling. Slowly return back down. You’ll feel the pressure in your stomach right away. It’s tougher, but that’s what makes it so much more effective.
You can also try doing” reverse” sit ups using the seated dipping machine.
Stand, facing the machine and bend forward with your arms on the handles. Now, keeping your back flat and your arms straight, push downward (as if you’re bowing forward) in a slow controlled manner, returning to the original position in the same way. What makes this movement so great is the fact that most seated dipping machines have more than enough weight to tax even the strongest bodybuilder. Instead of doing hundreds of sit ups, you can do 4 sets of 10-20 reps and get much better results.
Resistance can also be employed with leg raises as well, but you’ll need the help of a training partner. Have him or her push down on your legs as they drop into the lowering position. This will increase the intensity of the upward lift. All in all, you can hit more muscle fibers by the 10th rep than you would doing twice as many leg raises with no resistance at all.
Experiment with these ideas and see if you can come up with a few of your own. (For more ideas on unusual exercises that will shock the muscles into greater growth check Nelson Montana’s books – The Bodybuilding Truth and Bottom Line Bodybuilding – sold here for the best price on the net).
And as mentioned, when it comes to perfect abdominal development, low bodyfat is the key. That means staying aware of calorie consumption in the form of excessive fats and carbs. You also want to keep the thyroid working at full efficiency which is why we recommend ZIP along with your daily supplements. ZIP is caffeine free, but for an added kick, you can use some caffeine product such as coffe or Red Bull or even Mountain Dew. Just keep in mind, caffeine in itself does not burn fat. The reason it’s added to so many so called “fat loss’ products is it will give you extra stimulation which in tune can lead to burning more calories during a workout. But don’t count on burning too many calories that way. The bottom line still comes down to diet and thyroid output.
Try these suggestions and you’ll be on your way to a sleeker, harder midsection faster than you even thought possible.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
We've succeeded where so many other supplement companies have failed! POST-CYCLE covers all the bases. Where else are you going to find an anti-estrogen along with liver protectants and detoxifiers along with ingredients to boost libido and improve erectile function! And on top of it all, POST-CYCLE increases Nitric Oixde so you get vicious pumps in the gym. You'd have to spend three times as much for just one or two of these ingredients, but with POST-CYCLE, you get it all, for less!
Again, we avoided some typical "window dressing" ingredients in favor of the most effective compounds available. When it came to anti-estrogens we passed on DIM and I3C because these compounds are mild estrogens which MAY inhibit further estrogens from attaching to receptors, OR, (and this is what they never tell you) they may have an estrogenic effect on their own! No way. We also passed on some of the new androstenetrione antiestrogens simply for the fact that no research has been conducted on them. There's no way of knowing if these compounds have a "rebound" effect, causing an increase in estrogen once you stop using it. That's why we went with Calcium D-Glucarate in combination with 5, 7-dihydroxyflavone and added the Bioperine to increase its absorption. This allows for the safe, proven removal of excess estrogens for a perfect hormonal balance.
Directions: Take 1 serving (3 capsules) per day with one week break every 4 weeks.
For "post cycle therapy" take 2 servings for 4 weeks followed by a maintenance dose of one serving a day for an additional 4 weeks, then follow standard dosing.
FOr use as a pro-sexual boost, take an additional serving 30 minutes before activity. FOr increased effectiveness, stack with Unleashed.
And just as a kicker, we put in a powerful dose of MACA so you really feel a surge. Not to mention the mega-dose of our high potency Candium will give you stamina like you've never experienced before! POST-CYCLE should be a part of every serious bodybuilders supplement regime. Used in a stack with UNLEASHED and wow! This stuff kicks ass!
Supplement Facts
* Serving Size 3 Capsules (once per day)
* Servings per Container 30
* Milk Thistle:80%Silymarin 100mgs
* Epimedium 500 mgs
* N-Acetyl Cysteine 50 mgs
* Pirkoliv (Ayurvedic herb) 100 mgs
* r-ALA 10 mgs
* Lecithin (containing Phosphatidyl Choline) 250 mgs
* Maca 500 mgs
* Calcium D-Glucarate 25 mgs
* 5, 7 Dihydroxyflavone 500 mgs
* Bioperine 5 mgs
* Cindium Monnieri 50 mgs
* Zinc Aspartate 15 mgs
* Arginine 250 mgs
As everyone knows, the use of anabolics carries certain health risks. And once you come off, the side effects are even worse. A suppressed HPTA. Elevated liver enzymes. Lowered libido. Increased estrogen. These things will not only compromise your health but they'll slow down recuperation. In the meantime, you'll lose precious muscle! Don't let it happen.
Now, you can protect yourself from many of these detrimental effects and restore your natural vital functions faster than ever before with new "POST - CYCLE."
POST-CYCLE is specifically designed with a unique combination of ingredients which provide multifaceted benefits for the anabolic user.
* First, we've included not one, not two, but FIVE different ingredients to help guard, clean and detoxify the liver.
* Milk Thistle:80%Silymarin 100mgs
* N-Acetyl Cysteine: 50 mgs
* Pirkoliv: (Ayurvedic herb) 100mgs
* r-ALA: 10 mgs
* Lecithin (containing Phosphatidyl Choline) 250mgs
The next step was to add Estrogen ELIMINATORS.
This is important. Anything that blocks the production of estrogen only works as long as you take the product. As soon as you stop, the estrogen comes back twofold! The key is to REMOVE excess estrones, and the only ingredients we've found to do that are here! But the dosages must be correct! Too much or too little can throw your hormonal balance way off. POST-CYCLE contains the following aromatase inhibitors:
Calcium D-Glucarate: 25 mgs, 5,7-dihydroxyflavone: 500 mgs Piperine:5mgs
In a case study using the blood work as the gauge, this combination of ingredients proved to lower estrodiol levels over 20%! (Blood tests don't lie)
One of the regrettable downfalls of steroid use is the havoc it plays on your libido. This can lead to a multitude of depressing and embarrassing episodes for a long time afterward. BUT NOT ANYMORE!
Even natural athletes can take advantage of the pro-sexual benefits of POST-CYCLE since every ingredient is designed to promote health and well being. (Note: When taken with "UNLEASHED" the effects are even more dramatic.)
One of the ingredients of POST CYCLE is a newly discovered compound called Cnidium Monnieri. (50mgs). 2 capsules twenty minutes before "activity" and we guarantee you won't be "let down."
Also included in POST-CYCLE is 500mgs of high potency MACA, and 250 mgs of Epimedium to help kick start your sex drive. 15mgs of Zinc Aspartate (for both estrogen maintenance and testosterone production) as well as 250mgs of L-Arginine are also added to enhance Nitric Oxide production, suppress estrogen and heightenA testosterone.
We know once other supplement companies get a hold of this formula they're going to try their damnedest to copy it. But don't be fooled by wannabe imitators. Go with the world's first and most effective post-cycle supplement ever formulated.
POST-CYCLE -- It's What You Should Be On, When You're "Off."
Again, we avoided some typical "window dressing" ingredients in favor of the most effective compounds available. When it came to anti-estrogens we passed on DIM and I3C because these compounds are mild estrogens which MAY inhibit further estrogens from attaching to receptors, OR, (and this is what they never tell you) they may have an estrogenic effect on their own! No way. We also passed on some of the new androstenetrione antiestrogens simply for the fact that no research has been conducted on them. There's no way of knowing if these compounds have a "rebound" effect, causing an increase in estrogen once you stop using it. That's why we went with Calcium D-Glucarate in combination with 5, 7-dihydroxyflavone and added the Bioperine to increase its absorption. This allows for the safe, proven removal of excess estrogens for a perfect hormonal balance.
Directions: Take 1 serving (3 capsules) per day with one week break every 4 weeks.
For "post cycle therapy" take 2 servings for 4 weeks followed by a maintenance dose of one serving a day for an additional 4 weeks, then follow standard dosing.
FOr use as a pro-sexual boost, take an additional serving 30 minutes before activity. FOr increased effectiveness, stack with Unleashed.
And just as a kicker, we put in a powerful dose of MACA so you really feel a surge. Not to mention the mega-dose of our high potency Candium will give you stamina like you've never experienced before! POST-CYCLE should be a part of every serious bodybuilders supplement regime. Used in a stack with UNLEASHED and wow! This stuff kicks ass!
Supplement Facts
* Serving Size 3 Capsules (once per day)
* Servings per Container 30
* Milk Thistle:80%Silymarin 100mgs
* Epimedium 500 mgs
* N-Acetyl Cysteine 50 mgs
* Pirkoliv (Ayurvedic herb) 100 mgs
* r-ALA 10 mgs
* Lecithin (containing Phosphatidyl Choline) 250 mgs
* Maca 500 mgs
* Calcium D-Glucarate 25 mgs
* 5, 7 Dihydroxyflavone 500 mgs
* Bioperine 5 mgs
* Cindium Monnieri 50 mgs
* Zinc Aspartate 15 mgs
* Arginine 250 mgs
As everyone knows, the use of anabolics carries certain health risks. And once you come off, the side effects are even worse. A suppressed HPTA. Elevated liver enzymes. Lowered libido. Increased estrogen. These things will not only compromise your health but they'll slow down recuperation. In the meantime, you'll lose precious muscle! Don't let it happen.
Now, you can protect yourself from many of these detrimental effects and restore your natural vital functions faster than ever before with new "POST - CYCLE."
POST-CYCLE is specifically designed with a unique combination of ingredients which provide multifaceted benefits for the anabolic user.
* First, we've included not one, not two, but FIVE different ingredients to help guard, clean and detoxify the liver.
* Milk Thistle:80%Silymarin 100mgs
* N-Acetyl Cysteine: 50 mgs
* Pirkoliv: (Ayurvedic herb) 100mgs
* r-ALA: 10 mgs
* Lecithin (containing Phosphatidyl Choline) 250mgs
The next step was to add Estrogen ELIMINATORS.
This is important. Anything that blocks the production of estrogen only works as long as you take the product. As soon as you stop, the estrogen comes back twofold! The key is to REMOVE excess estrones, and the only ingredients we've found to do that are here! But the dosages must be correct! Too much or too little can throw your hormonal balance way off. POST-CYCLE contains the following aromatase inhibitors:
Calcium D-Glucarate: 25 mgs, 5,7-dihydroxyflavone: 500 mgs Piperine:5mgs
In a case study using the blood work as the gauge, this combination of ingredients proved to lower estrodiol levels over 20%! (Blood tests don't lie)
One of the regrettable downfalls of steroid use is the havoc it plays on your libido. This can lead to a multitude of depressing and embarrassing episodes for a long time afterward. BUT NOT ANYMORE!
Even natural athletes can take advantage of the pro-sexual benefits of POST-CYCLE since every ingredient is designed to promote health and well being. (Note: When taken with "UNLEASHED" the effects are even more dramatic.)
One of the ingredients of POST CYCLE is a newly discovered compound called Cnidium Monnieri. (50mgs). 2 capsules twenty minutes before "activity" and we guarantee you won't be "let down."
Also included in POST-CYCLE is 500mgs of high potency MACA, and 250 mgs of Epimedium to help kick start your sex drive. 15mgs of Zinc Aspartate (for both estrogen maintenance and testosterone production) as well as 250mgs of L-Arginine are also added to enhance Nitric Oxide production, suppress estrogen and heightenA testosterone.
We know once other supplement companies get a hold of this formula they're going to try their damnedest to copy it. But don't be fooled by wannabe imitators. Go with the world's first and most effective post-cycle supplement ever formulated.
POST-CYCLE -- It's What You Should Be On, When You're "Off."
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Unleashed Testosterone Supplements
Without a doubt, UNLEASHED is the most potent testosterone supplement stimulating product on the market. Yet, some people have asked us why it does not contain Tribulus -- a standard for helping to release Leutenizing Hormone and therefore increasing tesosterone. Well, we thought about including it, but the truth of the matter is, Tribulus is effective in only about 40% of the people who try it, and the effect is mild at best. It's also been shown that Tribulus does next to nothing in men with suppressed HPTA's such as steroid users, older men, or men with naturally low testosterone -- in other words, the ones who need it the most!
What ever Tribulus does, Avena Sativa has been shown to do much better, but only if the Avena contains the active avenacosides. Out of eleven Avena products tested, only ONE showed to have any active avenacosides at all! And the avenacoside count was not as high as those found in UNLEASHED. So instead of taking up space with something less effective, such as Tribulus, we upped the dosage of the Avena Sativa extract and found it REALLY packed a punch! The other ingredients in UNLEASHED work synergistically to make the most of the testosterone releasing effect. You simply can't find a stronger, natural product anywhere.
Supplement Facts
* Servings Size 3 capsules
* Servings Per Container 30
* Avena Sativa (with at least 7% Avenacosides A&B) 500 mgs
* Muara Puama: 12:1 active extract 500mgs
* Trimethyglycine 1000mgs
* Xanthoparmilia Scabrosa: 50mgs
* Urtica dioica: 100 mgs
* Ashwagandha: Standardized to 1.5%Withanolides 500 mgs
It Isn't How Much You Have -- It's How Much You Can Use That Counts!
There's no doubt about it. When it comes to building muscle, nothing is more important than the amount of testosterone you have in your body. Unfortunately, one's T levels are genetically determined and despite what some supplement manufacturers may say to convince you otherwise, nothing besides steroids will provide enough of an elevation in testosterone to grow more muscle.
Even when using exogenous testosterone, not all of it will be available to impart its anabolic effects. That's due to an enzyme known as SHBG ( Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) and it's the deciding factor in how much testosterone you can use to build muscle and how much will remain in a "bound" unusable state. You see, SHBG clings to testosterone and keeps it from working its magic. The more SHBG you have, the less "available" testosterone there'll be. So the answer to greater muscle growth isn't necessarily more total testosterone, but less SHBG. This is where UNLEASHED comes in.
It's a known fact that more and more bodybuilders are turning to anabolic enhancement to get that extra edge. But besides the health and legal issues, if SHBG is elevated, all the drugs in the world won't provide satisfactory results. This is why you may see a typical gym member using higher dosages than what Arnold ever took -- and they sure aren't close to looking as good as Arnold ! The reason? SHBG. If it's high, it doesn't matter how much testosterone is flowing through your veins, it isn't going to put on very much muscle. Yet, if it were possible to lower SHBG, then someone with a "normal" testosterone level can actually be in a more anabolic state than someone on steroids! AND THAT'S WHAT WE'VE DONE!!
UNLEASHED is an amazing new compound made of a combination of synergistic ingredients which have been shown to lower SHBG and increase free testosterone! So now you can get the most of the testosterone that's already in your body!
Why put your trust in shady supplement companies which have put out bogus product after bogus product? All prohormones and other such hormone derivatives have been shown to suppress natural testosterone levels, including the all important FREE testosterone. This in turn can also cause a backlash and build up of estrogen...NOT what you want, if a dense muscular body is your goal. Instead, allow the natural hormones within your own body to come alive, sending your muscle growth into high gear! That's what UNLEASHED does.
Anyone who has been at the bodybuilding game for a while is familiar with all the suspect "University Studies" that supposedly prove a product's effectiveness. But many of these studies are done either in vitro (test tubes) or on animals. All too often the concluded results of such studies show one thing while the "real life" results show another. That's why why we put the active ingredients in UNLEASHED to the test in the real world.
In a volunteer study, using a protype of the ingredients in UNLEASHED, the subjects free testosterone increased an average of 24% in only 4 weeks!
Of course, not everyone is going to have blood drawn for comparison on a monthly basis but you can prove to yourself the power of UNLEASHED with this simple test. (Note: The subject matter may be a little sensitive, but it's the very best way to state our case.)
One of the best ways to determine a healthy "Free Testosterone" level is through "non-stimulative erectile function." What that means in plain English is this: When you wake up from a night's sleep, even though there's been no sexual stimulation, you should have an erection (which is always the case when you're 17 years old and hormones are raging). If you don't, then there's a good chance your Free Testosterone is low. But once you take UNLEASHED, you can expect a BIG surprise each and every morning! And because of the pleasant "good morning wood" you'll experience, you'll know that last night's sleep was an anabolic dream come true since your own, natural FREE TESTOSTERONE was working while you sleep to make you bigger, stronger and more powerful.
And in case you were wondering...yes, a dose of "UNLEASHED" before sexual activity can certainly make a noticeable difference in your stamina.
Finally! A supplement that's truly anabolic!
Don't let SHBG hold you back! Shatter the bonds of slow growth and give your own body every advantage. Allow your own testosterone to break free and start packing on thick, dense muscle right away!
Get UNLEASHED! And Release The Power Within You.
What ever Tribulus does, Avena Sativa has been shown to do much better, but only if the Avena contains the active avenacosides. Out of eleven Avena products tested, only ONE showed to have any active avenacosides at all! And the avenacoside count was not as high as those found in UNLEASHED. So instead of taking up space with something less effective, such as Tribulus, we upped the dosage of the Avena Sativa extract and found it REALLY packed a punch! The other ingredients in UNLEASHED work synergistically to make the most of the testosterone releasing effect. You simply can't find a stronger, natural product anywhere.
Supplement Facts
* Servings Size 3 capsules
* Servings Per Container 30
* Avena Sativa (with at least 7% Avenacosides A&B) 500 mgs
* Muara Puama: 12:1 active extract 500mgs
* Trimethyglycine 1000mgs
* Xanthoparmilia Scabrosa: 50mgs
* Urtica dioica: 100 mgs
* Ashwagandha: Standardized to 1.5%Withanolides 500 mgs
It Isn't How Much You Have -- It's How Much You Can Use That Counts!
There's no doubt about it. When it comes to building muscle, nothing is more important than the amount of testosterone you have in your body. Unfortunately, one's T levels are genetically determined and despite what some supplement manufacturers may say to convince you otherwise, nothing besides steroids will provide enough of an elevation in testosterone to grow more muscle.
Even when using exogenous testosterone, not all of it will be available to impart its anabolic effects. That's due to an enzyme known as SHBG ( Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) and it's the deciding factor in how much testosterone you can use to build muscle and how much will remain in a "bound" unusable state. You see, SHBG clings to testosterone and keeps it from working its magic. The more SHBG you have, the less "available" testosterone there'll be. So the answer to greater muscle growth isn't necessarily more total testosterone, but less SHBG. This is where UNLEASHED comes in.
It's a known fact that more and more bodybuilders are turning to anabolic enhancement to get that extra edge. But besides the health and legal issues, if SHBG is elevated, all the drugs in the world won't provide satisfactory results. This is why you may see a typical gym member using higher dosages than what Arnold ever took -- and they sure aren't close to looking as good as Arnold ! The reason? SHBG. If it's high, it doesn't matter how much testosterone is flowing through your veins, it isn't going to put on very much muscle. Yet, if it were possible to lower SHBG, then someone with a "normal" testosterone level can actually be in a more anabolic state than someone on steroids! AND THAT'S WHAT WE'VE DONE!!
UNLEASHED is an amazing new compound made of a combination of synergistic ingredients which have been shown to lower SHBG and increase free testosterone! So now you can get the most of the testosterone that's already in your body!
Why put your trust in shady supplement companies which have put out bogus product after bogus product? All prohormones and other such hormone derivatives have been shown to suppress natural testosterone levels, including the all important FREE testosterone. This in turn can also cause a backlash and build up of estrogen...NOT what you want, if a dense muscular body is your goal. Instead, allow the natural hormones within your own body to come alive, sending your muscle growth into high gear! That's what UNLEASHED does.
Anyone who has been at the bodybuilding game for a while is familiar with all the suspect "University Studies" that supposedly prove a product's effectiveness. But many of these studies are done either in vitro (test tubes) or on animals. All too often the concluded results of such studies show one thing while the "real life" results show another. That's why why we put the active ingredients in UNLEASHED to the test in the real world.
In a volunteer study, using a protype of the ingredients in UNLEASHED, the subjects free testosterone increased an average of 24% in only 4 weeks!
Of course, not everyone is going to have blood drawn for comparison on a monthly basis but you can prove to yourself the power of UNLEASHED with this simple test. (Note: The subject matter may be a little sensitive, but it's the very best way to state our case.)
One of the best ways to determine a healthy "Free Testosterone" level is through "non-stimulative erectile function." What that means in plain English is this: When you wake up from a night's sleep, even though there's been no sexual stimulation, you should have an erection (which is always the case when you're 17 years old and hormones are raging). If you don't, then there's a good chance your Free Testosterone is low. But once you take UNLEASHED, you can expect a BIG surprise each and every morning! And because of the pleasant "good morning wood" you'll experience, you'll know that last night's sleep was an anabolic dream come true since your own, natural FREE TESTOSTERONE was working while you sleep to make you bigger, stronger and more powerful.
And in case you were wondering...yes, a dose of "UNLEASHED" before sexual activity can certainly make a noticeable difference in your stamina.
Finally! A supplement that's truly anabolic!
Don't let SHBG hold you back! Shatter the bonds of slow growth and give your own body every advantage. Allow your own testosterone to break free and start packing on thick, dense muscle right away!
Get UNLEASHED! And Release The Power Within You.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Super Plasma Protein
One of the main concerns of bodybuilders that use supplements is the ability for that supplement to be digested and absorbed in the most beneficial way. The bodybuilder can manipulate his or her proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, to enhance digestion of certain supplements hence making them more effective. On the other hand, supplement companies have also gone on to make claims that they have enhanced their specific supplement to increase absorption thus making their product more effective than the others with the same base.
This article will discuss one supplement that has never really been able to make any advancements in absorption and digestion, one supplement that the "BIG BOYS" of the supplement industry has never focused on. This supplement is whey protein, and the Protein Factory is going to offer you a new product that is now a MUST USE in your supplement arsenal. This supplement deals with the body’s ability to digest and absorb more free-form amino acids and peptides thus putting the body into a positive nitrogen balance, thus triggering natural muscle growth.
Protein digestion is a complex process. It involves actions by the stomach then most importantly the small intestine. The small intestine are where certain enzymes that turn the protein into free-form amino acids and di and tri-peptides, thus getting them ready to be absorbed. Free-form amino acids and hydrolyzed peptides are the only two forms of amino’s that get absorbed. The quality of a whole food protein a person eats plays a major role in how efficient the digestion and absorption of that whole food protein is.
The quality of a food is measured by a few different techniques. If you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will recognize these right away. These techniques are biological value, (BV),Protein Efficiency Ration (PER) and Protein digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS). These techniques are all based on whole food proteins ability to support growth and survival. Which technique is the most important one related to muscle growth? Neither of them, what is important is which protein rate at the top of each technique. And once again, if you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will know that proteins such as whey, egg, and soy rate at the top. These proteins have the best absorption rate and highest quality amino acid profile, thus the BEST for protein supplementation. The Protein Factory recommends a variety of protein sources because each individual protein possess certain qualities that are unique to themselves. But even though whole food protein powders such as whey, soy, and egg rate high on the quality scales (BV, PER, and PDCAAS) protein loss still occurs.
Loss of protein (nitrogen (N)) occurs mostly through urine, then feces, sweat, saliva, menstruation, and seminal ejaculation. The total loss in grams is throughout the day is about 30 grams if you weigh about 180lbs. Everybody has a different rate of protein digestion, absorption and excretion. Some people can digest and absorb certain protein better than others. For example, growing babies have less nitrogen loss than grown males. Special protein sub-fractions (Immunoglobulin) in breast milk increase protein absorption needed for a babies rapid growth rate. A baby when first born can gain grow 1 pound a week. Don’t sound like much! Consider a newborn baby only weighs an average of 7lbs, that means he increases his bodyweight by 14%. Now compare that to a steroid taking bodybuilder who gains 1 pound a week. That’s only .005%. Keep in mind the protein sub-fraction I have mentioned above (Immunoglobulin) Bodybuilders goals are to find ways to increase protein absorption and digestion and decrease protein (N) loss, hence bringing more amino acids, and nutrients into the bloodstream and putting themselves in a condition for muscle growth.
Increasing protein absorption will bring direct results in muscle growth than the supplements that have been made to increase protein synthesis via alternate conditions, such as creatine and pro-hormones. Creatine increases cellular hydration and pro-hormone increase natural testosterone levels. Thus muscle growth can occur due to these conditions. One must remember that the bottom line for muscle growth is protein synthesis. Muscle growth only occurs when protein synthesis is increased. Creatine and pro-hormones are ways to increase protein synthesis, (increase in endurance (creatine) and increase in natural testosterone levels (pro-hormones). But without amino acids to fuel muscle, growth can be hampered. Thus the supplement companies have come up with ways to increase protein synthesis via other factors and conditions, but not any ways to directly increase the amount of amino acids moving into the blood stream. Increasing amino acid absorption on the other hand is very complex and difficult to understand. That is why I believe the supplement companies have not come up with a better digesting protein supplement. One exception, from reading the Protein Factory website is hydrolyzed whey protein and free-from amino acids. These two products are better absorbed than regular proteins such as whey, soy, and egg. But bodybuilders are apt to use them because. 1)Hydrolyzed whey protein proteins are very difficult to find. The only company that I know that sells "REAL" hydrolyzed whey protein is the Protein Factory. 2)High quality hydrolyzed proteins tastes awful! 3)Free-Form amino acids are expensive and finding them in powdered form is difficult. But, due to a recent supplement breakthrough a new product will help improve gut functions, directly effecting the amino acid influx into the bloodstream, bringing one body into a positive nitrogen balance and increasing lean muscle mass.
This supplement is officially called Bovine Serum Concentrate. (BSC) The company that manufacturers this supplement holds a patent on it. So when you see companies start stealing the term and switching it around like Serum protein, Bovine sub-fractions don’t be fooled. It must state on the label, "Bovine Serum Concentrate".
Bovine Serum Concentrate is an "immunoglobulin-rich protein ideal for use as an ingredient in intestinal nutrition and health products" (REF). And the biggest surprise of all is that it is NOT a whey protein. It is derived from beef plasma. Here is a list of benefits from this supplement, which some I will explain in detail. Keep in mind this research has been conducted for over 18 years.
1. Bioactive hormone, growth factors and cytokines promote cell growth (in vitro)
2. Activation of immune system thereby preventing protein and energy loss.
3. Immunoglobulins reduces the risk of contracting virus and other germs, such as colds and flus. By doing this your body retains protein and energy it needs to fuel muscle growth and sustain energy.
4. Aids in maintaining a healthy gut, facilitating digestion, absorption, and utilization of nutrients.
5. Immunoglobulins improve the process of the small intestine thus helping amino acids and other nutrients to become absorbed.
6. Increases retained nitrogen, promotes weight gain.
7. Studies conducted with the use of immunoglobulin found less nitrogen in the urine and feces. Thus they found more nitrogen in the muscle, which meant an increase in muscle mass.
8. Increases retained fat/energy.
9. Reduced protein and amino acid catabolism, improves protein retention.
10. Increases fat-free body mass.
11. Includes protein such as immunoglobulin G, albumin, alpha-2-macroglobulin, and transferrin.
12. Significant concentrations of peptides such as insulin-like growth-I, fibroblast growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta.
This (Number 12) is one of the most important aspects of the new supplement, and probably why gains in muscle mass occur. Bovine Serum concentrate contains high levels of IGF-1. "The IGF peptides are bound tightly to plasma proteins (IGFBP’s) (REF) Unlike normal whey protein such as Cross-Flow Microfiltration and ion-exchange which contain very low levels of these growth factors, bovine serum concentrate contains much higher levels. IGF-1 is believed to mediate most anabolic activity in the body along with growth hormone. Now don’t get too excited about the level of IGF-1. Because most research has shown that even with pharmaceutical levels of IGF-1 doesn’t produce that much of an effect. A pharmaceutical level of growth hormone plus IGF-1 has been proven to work better than both alone. But, in another interesting study, IGF-1 taken with adequate amounts of amino acids increased protein synthesis.
Bovine Serum concentrate is a powdered sprayed-dried protein subfraction isolated from edible bovine plasma. It is then concentrated to form a high level of immunoglobin G. The immunoglobulin is the key ingredient. Studies that were conducted using immunoglobulin found that this protein sub-fraction sustains the benefits listed above. I can bore you with all the studies, but I wont. The truth is that immunoglobulin is now being used on AIDS, cancer, and malnourished children to aid in protein digestion. The manufacturer of BSC also has stated that it might be sold as a prescription drug in the next few years to come.
An amount of 1 gram taken with meals of BSC powder is recommend by the manufacturer. No side effects have been reported even at a dosage of 20,000 grams per day. The Powder is to be taken with meals. The Protein Factory will be offering this product by itself or to be blended in with a normal protein powder.
The Protein Factory recommends at percentage of 5% for protein only powders This is based on the a 30 grams serving size of powder. For meal replacement powders the Protein Factory recommends a 2% usage of BSC.
Regular commercial whey protein that is popular with bodybuilders today contains a very little amount of immunoglobin, if any at all. Whey protein concentrate, contain next to none, but supplement companies will list them anyway just to fancy their marketing hype. It looks something like this.
"Our protein contains significant concentrates of powerful GMP’s, and sub-fractions Lactabumin and Lactoferrin." It is a scam. Major supplement companies don’t have a clue to what these sub-fractions do, let alone how much is actually in their product.
Below is new information about NEW Bovine Serum! November 5th, 11:10 AM 1999.
A New interview with one of the technical researchers of the makers of Bovine Serum. Protein Factory: How much more nitrogen is retained per g Bovine Serum consumed? Answer: We found in the animal model (mouse) that .05 g nitrogen will be retained per g of plasma protein intake. This would equate to about .3g increase in body protein and 1.0 g of FFM (Fat free Mass) per g of plasma protein intake. This data is in close agreement with the work in pigs. Although we did not measure N composition at the start of the experiment, the data between the two experiments is in agreement.
Protein Factory: How much weight gain (Fat-Free MASS) is estimated per g of Bovine Serum consumed?
Answer: We estimate an increase of 1 g of FFM per g of Bovine Serum consumed.
Protein Factory: How long does a person have to consume Bovine Serum before realizing effects?
Answer: In animal studies changes in FFM occur within a week of "treatment".. I have notice an improvement within 2 days of consuming the product.
Protein Factory: Will Bovine Serum more so enhance the endurance trainer or the "sprint trainer" (in terms of energy)?
Answer: The endurance athlete has a higher protein requirement (per kg bodyweight) so will likely benefit more than the "sprint trainer". Of course, a slight change in FFM and performance of a sprinter means more to them than a slight change for an endurance athlete because of the length of the events.
Thanks for the questions. I hope this information is helpful.
Protein Factory: Thanks, I'm sure they will be!!
Protein Factory comments.
Now I know what everyone is thinking, "If I consume a pound of Bovine Serum a day does that mean I'll gain a pound of FFM a day!!! Probably not, but we are going to continue this interview with the next couple of weeks.
Our new supplement is here. Enjoy the article
One of the main concerns of bodybuilders that use supplements is the ability for that supplement to be digested and absorbed in the most beneficial way. The bodybuilder can manipulate his or her proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, to enhance digestion of certain supplements hence making them more effective. On the other hand, supplement companies have also gone on to make claims that they have enhanced their specific supplement to increase absorption thus making their product more effective than the others with the same base. This article will discuss one supplement that has never really been able to make any advancements in absorption and digestion, one supplement that the "BIG BOYS" of the supplement industry has never focused on. This supplement is whey protein, and the Protein Factory is going to offer you a new product that is now a MUST USE in your supplement arsenal. This supplement deals with the body’s ability to digest and absorb more free-form amino acids and peptides thus putting the body into a positive nitrogen balance, thus triggering natural muscle growth.
Protein digestion is a complex process. It involves actions by the stomach then most importantly the small intestine. The small intestine are where certain enzymes that turn the protein into free-form amino acids and di and tri-peptides, thus getting them ready to be absorbed. Free-form amino acids and hydrolyzed peptides are the only two forms of amino’s that get absorbed. The quality of a whole food protein a person eats plays a major role in how efficient the digestion and absorption of that whole food protein is.
The quality of a food is measured by a few different techniques. If you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will recognize these right away. These techniques are biological value, (BV), Protein Efficiency Ration (PER) and Protein digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS). These techniques are all based on whole food proteins ability to support growth and survival. Which technique is the most important one related to muscle growth? Neither of them, what is important is which protein rate at the top of each technique. And once again, if you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will know that proteins such as whey, egg, and soy rate at the top. These proteins have the best absorption rate and highest quality amino acid profile, thus the BEST for protein supplementation. The Protein Factory recommends a variety of protein sources because each individual protein possess certain qualities that are unique to themselves. But even though whole food protein powders such as whey, soy, and egg rate high on the quality scales (BV, PER, and PDCAAS) protein loss still occurs.
Loss of protein (nitrogen (N)) occurs mostly through urine, then feces, sweat, saliva, menstruation, and seminal ejaculation. The total loss in grams is throughout the day is about 30 grams if you weigh about 180lbs. Everybody has a different rate of protein digestion, absorption and excretion. Some people can digest and absorb certain protein better than others. For example, growing babies have less nitrogen loss than grown males. Special protein sub-fractions (Immunoglobulin) in breast milk increase protein absorption needed for a babies rapid growth rate. A baby when first born can gain grow 1 pound a week. Don’t sound like much! Consider a newborn baby only weighs an average of 7lbs, that means he increases his bodyweight by 14%. Now compare that to a steroid taking bodybuilder who gains 1 pound a week. That’s only .005%. Keep in mind the protein sub-fraction I have mentioned above (Immunoglobulin) Bodybuilders goals are to find ways to increase protein absorption and digestion and decrease protein (N) loss, hence bringing more amino acids, and nutrients into the bloodstream and putting themselves in a condition for muscle growth.
Increasing protein absorption will bring direct results in muscle growth than the supplements that have been made to increase protein synthesis via alternate conditions, such as creatine and pro-hormones. Creatine increases cellular hydration and pro-hormone increase natural testosterone levels. Thus muscle growth can occur due to these conditions. One must remember that the bottom line for muscle growth is protein synthesis. Muscle growth only occurs when protein synthesis is increased. Creatine and pro-hormones are ways to increase protein synthesis, (increase in endurance (creatine) and increase in natural testosterone levels (pro-hormones). But without amino acids to fuel muscle, growth can be hampered. Thus the supplement companies have come up with ways to increase protein synthesis via other factors and conditions, but not any ways to directly increase the amount of amino acids moving into the blood stream.
Increasing amino acid absorption on the other hand is very complex and difficult to understand. That is why I believe the supplement companies have not come up with a better digesting protein supplement. One exception, from reading the Protein Factory website is hydrolyzed whey protein and free-from amino acids. These two products are better absorbed than regular proteins such as whey, soy, and egg. But bodybuilders are apt to use them because. 1)Hydrolyzed whey protein proteins are very difficult to find. The only company that I know that sells "REAL" hydrolyzed whey protein is the Protein Factory. 2) High quality hydrolyzed proteins tastes awful! 3)Free-Form amino acids are expensive and finding them in powdered form is difficult. But, due to a recent supplement breakthrough a new product will help improve gut functions, directly effecting the amino acid influx into the bloodstream, bringing one body into a positive nitrogen balance and increasing lean muscle mass.
This supplement is officially called Bovine Serum Concentrate. (BSC) The company that manufacturers this supplement holds a patent on it. So when you see companies start stealing the term and switching it around like Serum protein, Bovine sub-fractions don’t be fooled. It must state on the label, "Bovine Serum Concentrate".
Bovine Serum Concentrate is an "immunoglobulin-rich protein ideal for use as an ingredient in intestinal nutrition and health products" (REF). And the biggest surprise of all is that it is NOT a whey protein. It is derived from beef plasma. Here is a list of benefits from this supplement, which some I will explain in detail. Keep in mind this research has been conducted for over 18 years.
This article will discuss one supplement that has never really been able to make any advancements in absorption and digestion, one supplement that the "BIG BOYS" of the supplement industry has never focused on. This supplement is whey protein, and the Protein Factory is going to offer you a new product that is now a MUST USE in your supplement arsenal. This supplement deals with the body’s ability to digest and absorb more free-form amino acids and peptides thus putting the body into a positive nitrogen balance, thus triggering natural muscle growth.
Protein digestion is a complex process. It involves actions by the stomach then most importantly the small intestine. The small intestine are where certain enzymes that turn the protein into free-form amino acids and di and tri-peptides, thus getting them ready to be absorbed. Free-form amino acids and hydrolyzed peptides are the only two forms of amino’s that get absorbed. The quality of a whole food protein a person eats plays a major role in how efficient the digestion and absorption of that whole food protein is.
The quality of a food is measured by a few different techniques. If you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will recognize these right away. These techniques are biological value, (BV),Protein Efficiency Ration (PER) and Protein digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS). These techniques are all based on whole food proteins ability to support growth and survival. Which technique is the most important one related to muscle growth? Neither of them, what is important is which protein rate at the top of each technique. And once again, if you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will know that proteins such as whey, egg, and soy rate at the top. These proteins have the best absorption rate and highest quality amino acid profile, thus the BEST for protein supplementation. The Protein Factory recommends a variety of protein sources because each individual protein possess certain qualities that are unique to themselves. But even though whole food protein powders such as whey, soy, and egg rate high on the quality scales (BV, PER, and PDCAAS) protein loss still occurs.
Loss of protein (nitrogen (N)) occurs mostly through urine, then feces, sweat, saliva, menstruation, and seminal ejaculation. The total loss in grams is throughout the day is about 30 grams if you weigh about 180lbs. Everybody has a different rate of protein digestion, absorption and excretion. Some people can digest and absorb certain protein better than others. For example, growing babies have less nitrogen loss than grown males. Special protein sub-fractions (Immunoglobulin) in breast milk increase protein absorption needed for a babies rapid growth rate. A baby when first born can gain grow 1 pound a week. Don’t sound like much! Consider a newborn baby only weighs an average of 7lbs, that means he increases his bodyweight by 14%. Now compare that to a steroid taking bodybuilder who gains 1 pound a week. That’s only .005%. Keep in mind the protein sub-fraction I have mentioned above (Immunoglobulin) Bodybuilders goals are to find ways to increase protein absorption and digestion and decrease protein (N) loss, hence bringing more amino acids, and nutrients into the bloodstream and putting themselves in a condition for muscle growth.
Increasing protein absorption will bring direct results in muscle growth than the supplements that have been made to increase protein synthesis via alternate conditions, such as creatine and pro-hormones. Creatine increases cellular hydration and pro-hormone increase natural testosterone levels. Thus muscle growth can occur due to these conditions. One must remember that the bottom line for muscle growth is protein synthesis. Muscle growth only occurs when protein synthesis is increased. Creatine and pro-hormones are ways to increase protein synthesis, (increase in endurance (creatine) and increase in natural testosterone levels (pro-hormones). But without amino acids to fuel muscle, growth can be hampered. Thus the supplement companies have come up with ways to increase protein synthesis via other factors and conditions, but not any ways to directly increase the amount of amino acids moving into the blood stream. Increasing amino acid absorption on the other hand is very complex and difficult to understand. That is why I believe the supplement companies have not come up with a better digesting protein supplement. One exception, from reading the Protein Factory website is hydrolyzed whey protein and free-from amino acids. These two products are better absorbed than regular proteins such as whey, soy, and egg. But bodybuilders are apt to use them because. 1)Hydrolyzed whey protein proteins are very difficult to find. The only company that I know that sells "REAL" hydrolyzed whey protein is the Protein Factory. 2)High quality hydrolyzed proteins tastes awful! 3)Free-Form amino acids are expensive and finding them in powdered form is difficult. But, due to a recent supplement breakthrough a new product will help improve gut functions, directly effecting the amino acid influx into the bloodstream, bringing one body into a positive nitrogen balance and increasing lean muscle mass.
This supplement is officially called Bovine Serum Concentrate. (BSC) The company that manufacturers this supplement holds a patent on it. So when you see companies start stealing the term and switching it around like Serum protein, Bovine sub-fractions don’t be fooled. It must state on the label, "Bovine Serum Concentrate".
Bovine Serum Concentrate is an "immunoglobulin-rich protein ideal for use as an ingredient in intestinal nutrition and health products" (REF). And the biggest surprise of all is that it is NOT a whey protein. It is derived from beef plasma. Here is a list of benefits from this supplement, which some I will explain in detail. Keep in mind this research has been conducted for over 18 years.
1. Bioactive hormone, growth factors and cytokines promote cell growth (in vitro)
2. Activation of immune system thereby preventing protein and energy loss.
3. Immunoglobulins reduces the risk of contracting virus and other germs, such as colds and flus. By doing this your body retains protein and energy it needs to fuel muscle growth and sustain energy.
4. Aids in maintaining a healthy gut, facilitating digestion, absorption, and utilization of nutrients.
5. Immunoglobulins improve the process of the small intestine thus helping amino acids and other nutrients to become absorbed.
6. Increases retained nitrogen, promotes weight gain.
7. Studies conducted with the use of immunoglobulin found less nitrogen in the urine and feces. Thus they found more nitrogen in the muscle, which meant an increase in muscle mass.
8. Increases retained fat/energy.
9. Reduced protein and amino acid catabolism, improves protein retention.
10. Increases fat-free body mass.
11. Includes protein such as immunoglobulin G, albumin, alpha-2-macroglobulin, and transferrin.
12. Significant concentrations of peptides such as insulin-like growth-I, fibroblast growth factor, and transforming growth factor-beta.
This (Number 12) is one of the most important aspects of the new supplement, and probably why gains in muscle mass occur. Bovine Serum concentrate contains high levels of IGF-1. "The IGF peptides are bound tightly to plasma proteins (IGFBP’s) (REF) Unlike normal whey protein such as Cross-Flow Microfiltration and ion-exchange which contain very low levels of these growth factors, bovine serum concentrate contains much higher levels. IGF-1 is believed to mediate most anabolic activity in the body along with growth hormone. Now don’t get too excited about the level of IGF-1. Because most research has shown that even with pharmaceutical levels of IGF-1 doesn’t produce that much of an effect. A pharmaceutical level of growth hormone plus IGF-1 has been proven to work better than both alone. But, in another interesting study, IGF-1 taken with adequate amounts of amino acids increased protein synthesis.
Bovine Serum concentrate is a powdered sprayed-dried protein subfraction isolated from edible bovine plasma. It is then concentrated to form a high level of immunoglobin G. The immunoglobulin is the key ingredient. Studies that were conducted using immunoglobulin found that this protein sub-fraction sustains the benefits listed above. I can bore you with all the studies, but I wont. The truth is that immunoglobulin is now being used on AIDS, cancer, and malnourished children to aid in protein digestion. The manufacturer of BSC also has stated that it might be sold as a prescription drug in the next few years to come.
An amount of 1 gram taken with meals of BSC powder is recommend by the manufacturer. No side effects have been reported even at a dosage of 20,000 grams per day. The Powder is to be taken with meals. The Protein Factory will be offering this product by itself or to be blended in with a normal protein powder.
The Protein Factory recommends at percentage of 5% for protein only powders This is based on the a 30 grams serving size of powder. For meal replacement powders the Protein Factory recommends a 2% usage of BSC.
Regular commercial whey protein that is popular with bodybuilders today contains a very little amount of immunoglobin, if any at all. Whey protein concentrate, contain next to none, but supplement companies will list them anyway just to fancy their marketing hype. It looks something like this.
"Our protein contains significant concentrates of powerful GMP’s, and sub-fractions Lactabumin and Lactoferrin." It is a scam. Major supplement companies don’t have a clue to what these sub-fractions do, let alone how much is actually in their product.
Below is new information about NEW Bovine Serum! November 5th, 11:10 AM 1999.
A New interview with one of the technical researchers of the makers of Bovine Serum. Protein Factory: How much more nitrogen is retained per g Bovine Serum consumed? Answer: We found in the animal model (mouse) that .05 g nitrogen will be retained per g of plasma protein intake. This would equate to about .3g increase in body protein and 1.0 g of FFM (Fat free Mass) per g of plasma protein intake. This data is in close agreement with the work in pigs. Although we did not measure N composition at the start of the experiment, the data between the two experiments is in agreement.
Protein Factory: How much weight gain (Fat-Free MASS) is estimated per g of Bovine Serum consumed?
Answer: We estimate an increase of 1 g of FFM per g of Bovine Serum consumed.
Protein Factory: How long does a person have to consume Bovine Serum before realizing effects?
Answer: In animal studies changes in FFM occur within a week of "treatment".. I have notice an improvement within 2 days of consuming the product.
Protein Factory: Will Bovine Serum more so enhance the endurance trainer or the "sprint trainer" (in terms of energy)?
Answer: The endurance athlete has a higher protein requirement (per kg bodyweight) so will likely benefit more than the "sprint trainer". Of course, a slight change in FFM and performance of a sprinter means more to them than a slight change for an endurance athlete because of the length of the events.
Thanks for the questions. I hope this information is helpful.
Protein Factory: Thanks, I'm sure they will be!!
Protein Factory comments.
Now I know what everyone is thinking, "If I consume a pound of Bovine Serum a day does that mean I'll gain a pound of FFM a day!!! Probably not, but we are going to continue this interview with the next couple of weeks.
Our new supplement is here. Enjoy the article
One of the main concerns of bodybuilders that use supplements is the ability for that supplement to be digested and absorbed in the most beneficial way. The bodybuilder can manipulate his or her proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, to enhance digestion of certain supplements hence making them more effective. On the other hand, supplement companies have also gone on to make claims that they have enhanced their specific supplement to increase absorption thus making their product more effective than the others with the same base. This article will discuss one supplement that has never really been able to make any advancements in absorption and digestion, one supplement that the "BIG BOYS" of the supplement industry has never focused on. This supplement is whey protein, and the Protein Factory is going to offer you a new product that is now a MUST USE in your supplement arsenal. This supplement deals with the body’s ability to digest and absorb more free-form amino acids and peptides thus putting the body into a positive nitrogen balance, thus triggering natural muscle growth.
Protein digestion is a complex process. It involves actions by the stomach then most importantly the small intestine. The small intestine are where certain enzymes that turn the protein into free-form amino acids and di and tri-peptides, thus getting them ready to be absorbed. Free-form amino acids and hydrolyzed peptides are the only two forms of amino’s that get absorbed. The quality of a whole food protein a person eats plays a major role in how efficient the digestion and absorption of that whole food protein is.
The quality of a food is measured by a few different techniques. If you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will recognize these right away. These techniques are biological value, (BV), Protein Efficiency Ration (PER) and Protein digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS). These techniques are all based on whole food proteins ability to support growth and survival. Which technique is the most important one related to muscle growth? Neither of them, what is important is which protein rate at the top of each technique. And once again, if you’re an experienced bodybuilder you will know that proteins such as whey, egg, and soy rate at the top. These proteins have the best absorption rate and highest quality amino acid profile, thus the BEST for protein supplementation. The Protein Factory recommends a variety of protein sources because each individual protein possess certain qualities that are unique to themselves. But even though whole food protein powders such as whey, soy, and egg rate high on the quality scales (BV, PER, and PDCAAS) protein loss still occurs.
Loss of protein (nitrogen (N)) occurs mostly through urine, then feces, sweat, saliva, menstruation, and seminal ejaculation. The total loss in grams is throughout the day is about 30 grams if you weigh about 180lbs. Everybody has a different rate of protein digestion, absorption and excretion. Some people can digest and absorb certain protein better than others. For example, growing babies have less nitrogen loss than grown males. Special protein sub-fractions (Immunoglobulin) in breast milk increase protein absorption needed for a babies rapid growth rate. A baby when first born can gain grow 1 pound a week. Don’t sound like much! Consider a newborn baby only weighs an average of 7lbs, that means he increases his bodyweight by 14%. Now compare that to a steroid taking bodybuilder who gains 1 pound a week. That’s only .005%. Keep in mind the protein sub-fraction I have mentioned above (Immunoglobulin) Bodybuilders goals are to find ways to increase protein absorption and digestion and decrease protein (N) loss, hence bringing more amino acids, and nutrients into the bloodstream and putting themselves in a condition for muscle growth.
Increasing protein absorption will bring direct results in muscle growth than the supplements that have been made to increase protein synthesis via alternate conditions, such as creatine and pro-hormones. Creatine increases cellular hydration and pro-hormone increase natural testosterone levels. Thus muscle growth can occur due to these conditions. One must remember that the bottom line for muscle growth is protein synthesis. Muscle growth only occurs when protein synthesis is increased. Creatine and pro-hormones are ways to increase protein synthesis, (increase in endurance (creatine) and increase in natural testosterone levels (pro-hormones). But without amino acids to fuel muscle, growth can be hampered. Thus the supplement companies have come up with ways to increase protein synthesis via other factors and conditions, but not any ways to directly increase the amount of amino acids moving into the blood stream.
Increasing amino acid absorption on the other hand is very complex and difficult to understand. That is why I believe the supplement companies have not come up with a better digesting protein supplement. One exception, from reading the Protein Factory website is hydrolyzed whey protein and free-from amino acids. These two products are better absorbed than regular proteins such as whey, soy, and egg. But bodybuilders are apt to use them because. 1)Hydrolyzed whey protein proteins are very difficult to find. The only company that I know that sells "REAL" hydrolyzed whey protein is the Protein Factory. 2) High quality hydrolyzed proteins tastes awful! 3)Free-Form amino acids are expensive and finding them in powdered form is difficult. But, due to a recent supplement breakthrough a new product will help improve gut functions, directly effecting the amino acid influx into the bloodstream, bringing one body into a positive nitrogen balance and increasing lean muscle mass.
This supplement is officially called Bovine Serum Concentrate. (BSC) The company that manufacturers this supplement holds a patent on it. So when you see companies start stealing the term and switching it around like Serum protein, Bovine sub-fractions don’t be fooled. It must state on the label, "Bovine Serum Concentrate".
Bovine Serum Concentrate is an "immunoglobulin-rich protein ideal for use as an ingredient in intestinal nutrition and health products" (REF). And the biggest surprise of all is that it is NOT a whey protein. It is derived from beef plasma. Here is a list of benefits from this supplement, which some I will explain in detail. Keep in mind this research has been conducted for over 18 years.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Soy Protein Bad, I Don't Think So
Claims have been made that soy protein raises estrogen levels. Not good if you were a bodybuilder looking to add lean muscle mass.
Hormonal Studies.
1)A study found that soy protein isolate (daidzein) may have a gender specific normalizing effect on sex-hormone production. Male lab animals experienced greater testosterone and growth-hormone excretion as well as muscle growth" This contradicts the study that found that genestein decreased testosterone serum.
2)Another study found that soy may be actually anti-strogenic. . They may also act as anti-strogens by competing for the binding sites of estrogen receptors or the active site of the estrogen biosynthesizing and metabolizing enzymes, such as aromatize and estrogen-specific 17 beta-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (type 1).
3)Probably the best research study contracting the one used by the author of "The bad protein" is this.
The phytoestrogens are only found in raw soy products. Not soy protein isolates, which are used as protein supplements for bodybuilders.
"There are very little data on effects of phytoestrogens in males. Estrogenic effects in wildlife have been described but the evidence for the role of phytoestrogens is indirect and seen under conditions of excessive exposure."
And what is most interesting about this study is that it was conducted by one of the same researchers at the same university as the study that found genistein lowered testosterone serum levels. This researcher concluded that even though he found genestein has estrogenic effects, it really cant be concluded because of the above statement in his other research findings.
Hence, he found soy to be estrogenic, but it really cant be "hard" evidence because there is not enough proof and it involves ridiculous conditions.
See what I mean by two sides to every story..
Positive Benefits of soy
The amino acid profile of soy is excellent. If you don’t know by now the Glutamic Acid level is higher than whey. Why? Mainly because it is a plant protein and not dairy.
Soy has been proven to lower heart disease risks and cancer. Now there are about a million studies on this statement. I not going to quote any.
Soy protein actually improves kidney function.
When soy was combined with a carbohydrate in comparison with casein. Lower body fat gains were observed.
Character witnesses.
1)Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale , probably one of the greatest sports nutritionist authors to ever live. (and trust me on this one) quoted in Muscle Media Magazine. "I use a combination of soy, casein, and whey protein that I make up myself from three different products, each one containing on of the protein isolates in quality form"
Supplementation: If your taking any form of pro-hormones beware. Do not think that your immune to the estrogen build up in your body. With any increase in testosterone levels your body tries to balance itself out by increasing estrogen. Even though pro-hormones are much weaker than anabolic steroids they still cause a rise in estrogen levels. By taking soy protein XT, about 60 grams a day this might combat some of the feminization effects.
Hormonal Studies.
1)A study found that soy protein isolate (daidzein) may have a gender specific normalizing effect on sex-hormone production. Male lab animals experienced greater testosterone and growth-hormone excretion as well as muscle growth" This contradicts the study that found that genestein decreased testosterone serum.
2)Another study found that soy may be actually anti-strogenic. . They may also act as anti-strogens by competing for the binding sites of estrogen receptors or the active site of the estrogen biosynthesizing and metabolizing enzymes, such as aromatize and estrogen-specific 17 beta-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase (type 1).
3)Probably the best research study contracting the one used by the author of "The bad protein" is this.
The phytoestrogens are only found in raw soy products. Not soy protein isolates, which are used as protein supplements for bodybuilders.
"There are very little data on effects of phytoestrogens in males. Estrogenic effects in wildlife have been described but the evidence for the role of phytoestrogens is indirect and seen under conditions of excessive exposure."
And what is most interesting about this study is that it was conducted by one of the same researchers at the same university as the study that found genistein lowered testosterone serum levels. This researcher concluded that even though he found genestein has estrogenic effects, it really cant be concluded because of the above statement in his other research findings.
Hence, he found soy to be estrogenic, but it really cant be "hard" evidence because there is not enough proof and it involves ridiculous conditions.
See what I mean by two sides to every story..
Positive Benefits of soy
The amino acid profile of soy is excellent. If you don’t know by now the Glutamic Acid level is higher than whey. Why? Mainly because it is a plant protein and not dairy.
Soy has been proven to lower heart disease risks and cancer. Now there are about a million studies on this statement. I not going to quote any.
Soy protein actually improves kidney function.
When soy was combined with a carbohydrate in comparison with casein. Lower body fat gains were observed.
Character witnesses.
1)Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale , probably one of the greatest sports nutritionist authors to ever live. (and trust me on this one) quoted in Muscle Media Magazine. "I use a combination of soy, casein, and whey protein that I make up myself from three different products, each one containing on of the protein isolates in quality form"
Supplementation: If your taking any form of pro-hormones beware. Do not think that your immune to the estrogen build up in your body. With any increase in testosterone levels your body tries to balance itself out by increasing estrogen. Even though pro-hormones are much weaker than anabolic steroids they still cause a rise in estrogen levels. By taking soy protein XT, about 60 grams a day this might combat some of the feminization effects.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Lean Summer Protein
Summer is the time when you should be trying to keep your body fat down. This means eating low GI carbs, fruits and veggies, and lots of slow releasing proteins like Milk Isolate, Micellar Casein, or Aussie Caseinate. Why? Because I think it is more important to be anti-catabolic during this time. Anti-catabolic means keeping your body out of a muscle wasting state. The trick is to keep a supply of amino acids in the blood stream as long as possible. The best way to do this is a combination of a slow release protein, a high dose of Glutamine, and a dose of immunoglobulins. One of my favorite combinations is 5% Glutamine Peptides, 5% Ajinomoto L-Glutamine (I just obtained the #1 quality L-Glutamine in the world), 5% Super Plasma, 35% Aussie Caseinate, and 50% Micellar Casein with Aminogen. Keep in mind that the body only cares about survival. The more muscle mass you have on your frame, the more energy it takes for you to live. That is why the body is constantly breaking down muscle mass. Look what happens when you stop working out or decrease your calories, you lose muscle mass. The goal with the formula I just gave you can actually be called a “survival” protein. Micellar and Aussie are naturally high in glutamic acid. And then by adding Glutamine Peptides and L-Glutamine you are getting a hefty dose. Now here is the kicker. L-Glutamine is a very popular supplement, but if you talk to me on the phone or on the message board you can catch me not recommending this product, most of the time. Why? Because L-glutamine, even Glutamine peptides is not a muscle building supplement. You will not find one published study proving the ergogenic benefit of Glutamine supplements. Secondly, I think it is the most mis-understood supplement ever produced. In my opinion it is more of a “survival” supplement, and/or immuno-enhancing product. Thus I love it for this reason. Most people buy it with thought that it will build muscle. But if you buy it, you buy it to “spare” muscle mass from being chewed up for energy. If you happen to let your body begin to convert amino acids into glycogen, most likely Glutamine is going to be the first one to go. You can easily find the old “your body’s muscles are made up of over 50% glutamic acid.” Thus when you take Glutamine, you are actually theorizing that you are using an energy supplement instead of an anabolic product. You will notice that I also put in our great protein Super Plasma protein. Super Plasma is the #1 choice for immuno enhancement. It is 50% IGG. This is great for the immune system.
Thus we have just created a protein powder with a huge anti-catabolic effect. Much higher than Whey Protein Concentrate. Thus if you are looking to cut your body fat down and get lean for the last half of the summer, try this formula and give your body a chance to fight catabolism. Remember, that many top steroid guru’s and supplement experts believe that anabolic steroids work so well because of their uncanny ability to keep the body out of a catabolic state. The idea of this Glutamine, Super Plasma, Casein blend is to do just that, keep the body from dipping into a negative nitrogen condition.
Try this in a blender or shaker
1 scoop of OatMuscle
1 scoop of above formula
2 Tbs of hemp oil
3 fish oil gels
¼ tsp of Creatine
Talk about a real “muscle” sparing protein formula.
Thus we have just created a protein powder with a huge anti-catabolic effect. Much higher than Whey Protein Concentrate. Thus if you are looking to cut your body fat down and get lean for the last half of the summer, try this formula and give your body a chance to fight catabolism. Remember, that many top steroid guru’s and supplement experts believe that anabolic steroids work so well because of their uncanny ability to keep the body out of a catabolic state. The idea of this Glutamine, Super Plasma, Casein blend is to do just that, keep the body from dipping into a negative nitrogen condition.
Try this in a blender or shaker
1 scoop of OatMuscle
1 scoop of above formula
2 Tbs of hemp oil
3 fish oil gels
¼ tsp of Creatine
Talk about a real “muscle” sparing protein formula.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Whey vs. Casein
Until now, proteins have been viewed from a quantitative aspect because they were considered inert and inactive. It’s time to reconsider the view: Proteins contain amino acids that are indeed powerful growth factors. You can only obtain the muscle building effect of proteins with qualitative approach, something that bodybuilders have neglected. What really matters is the number of feedings, the proper times and the dynamic manipulation of both the amount and the source of proteins. I’m going to show you how to take advantage of the pharmaceutical muscle-building effects of proteins.
Fast, Anabolic Proteins vs. Slow Anti-catabolic Ones
Whey and Casein are very closely related forms of proteins that are both derived from milk. Bodybuilders used to consider them interchangeable. Some argued that whey was superior to casein, while others claimed the opposite. As a result bodybuilders used either whey or casein but not both, with each camp thinking that it had found the very best protein. Whey and casein have two radically different but complementary muscle-building properties. Indeed, a recently published French study compared those properties and the results showed that oral intake of 30 grams of whey protein very rapidly increased the level of amino acids in the blood in healthy young subjects. Consequently, anabolism was boosted by 68 percent.
Unfortunately whey’s muscle-building potential is transient-the paired and important rise in blood amino acid level is followed by a quick fall-and the results also showed no significance anti-catabolic effects.
On the other hand, 30 grams of casein resulted in a delayed but long-lasting elevation of amino acid levels in the blood, while the anabolic boosting effect were 31 percent milder than those of whey. In fact, casein’s long-lasting, anti-catabolic effect was its main advantage.
Since whey and casein are very different, you should use whey whenever you want a strong and rapid boost of anabolism. It’s a superior protein to eat first thing in the morning and immediately after training. Casein is the best choice whenever you need long lasting anti-catabolic protection: for example at night.
Note that the qualities of being anabolic or anti-catabolic apply to more than skeletal muscles. The researchers measured both whole body protein synthesis and degradation, so we don’t know exactly how much the muscles have benefited from those favorable effects. Nevertheless, its obvious that muscle growth is faster in an anabolic or anti-catabolic environment than in a strongly catabolic situation. As the study involved untrained subjects, its likely that bodybuilders would have gotten even stronger effects because of their protein-hungry muscles.
This study demonstrates the importance of timing protein intake and choosing the right source of protein. The results bring us to another fundamental question" Why is whey so anabolic when casein is so anti-catabolic?
Blood levels of amino acids do not fluctuate that much during the day in healthy bodybuilders. Eating a meal rich in proteins elevates the amino acids level slightly but not much. Fasting during the night slightly reduces it. In that case catabolic hormones such as cortisol will rise and induce muscle proteolysis; that is the breakdown of protein. Some of the muscle’s amino acids will therefore pass into the blood, which helps sustain a constant blood amino acid level while you sleep. Consequently, blood amino acid levels are never very high or very low for very long-unless you fast for a prolonged period.
The term hyperglycemia means there’s too much glucose in the blood. You may be more familiar with the rem hypoglycemia, which describes a low blood glucose level. As with the blood amino acid level, glucose is closely controlled. Glycemia may rise after a high carb meal, but unless you suffer from diabetes, it will be brief and moderate. When you fast, your blood glucose level falls slightly. That triggers the manufacture of glucose from amino acids in both the liver and the kidneys, which boosts blood glucose levels. As a result your blood glucose levels are also never very high and never very low.
Similar to the terminology used for glucose, Hyperaminoacidemia occurs when blood amino levels are greatly increased, and Hypoaminoacidemia occurs when they are low. The key point for bodybuilders is that a Hyperaminoacidemia induced by an amino acid intake automatically triggers anabolism. Scientists have discovered that there are thresholds of amino acids in the blood: When you get past a certain level of elevation anabolism is triggered. As you can imagine, its no that easy to reach the threshold. Scientists use amino acid infusion.
As stated above, ven a meal that’s is rich in protein s is unlikely to induce a significant Hyperaminoacidemia. Proteins from foods are slow to digest, so their arrival in the blood is sustained but very slow, and consequently, the amino acid level in the blood rises slowly. Once is slightly elevated organs such as the liver remove those aminos from the blood. As they enter the blood slowly, the liver has no trouble keeping up. So the rise in blood amino acids is never as high as bodybuilders might wish. In contrast, the amino acids infusions given by scientists bypass the digestive track, and the level. Of blood amino acids increases quickly, which overwhelms the liver’s ability to extract amino acids from the blood, creating a condition of Hyperaminoacidemia. Growth is triggered by pharmacological means.
Until recently, it was almost impossible to induce a pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia with food or supplements, so bodybuilders had to make do with more moderate physiological Hyperaminoacidemia. That’s a shame, as the stronger the Hyperaminoacidemia, the more powerful the anabolic drive. The arrival of predigested whey protein was a big breakthrough for the bodybuilding community, as it has the amazing property of inducing a quick sharp elevation of the amino acid level in the blood. In other words, it can trigger the strongest Hyperaminoacidemia possible.
By almost bypassing digestion, whey protein overwhelms the liver capacity for extracting amino acids from the blood. It affects your body in a pharmacological way that only amino acid infusion can duplicate.
That is not possible with casein. Its is slow digestion only products a physiological Hyperaminoacidemia, which means the amino acid level is high but within normal limits.
Meals rich in protein wont induce a pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia, either as the digestion of protein is even slower than what occurs with casein because of the fibers, fats and other elements that delay digestion.
Long-Term Muscle Protection Against Catabolism
As the amount of whey you eat at a given time is limited, the fast and powerful arrival of amino acids is short-lived. When new amino acids stop arriving in the blood, the organs that extract them stop being overwhelmed and the blood levels of amino acids are brought back to normal. When that happens, the powerful effects of whey vanish. Anabolism falls and catabolism dominates again.
Casein does not produce such a rise and fall in blood amino acid levels due to its timed-release action. The blood level of amino acid s elevates slightly but for a long period. Scientists have shown that a small elevation of blood amino acids greatly reduces catabolism. You could get a long-lasting anti-catabolic effect like that with whey if, instead of absorbing 30 grams at once, you took 10 grams every hour. You would not get any pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia, but the constant arrival of small amounts of amino acids would reduce catabolism.
By the same token, if the researchers in the French study had used 60 grams of casein instead of 30, its more likely that the subjects blood amino levels would have reached the critical threshold at some point. In that case casein, after a delay, would have first reduced catabolism, and then, when the peak of blood amino acids had been reached, it would have triggered anabolism. After that peak the casein would have recovered its mainly anti-catabolic function and stopped being significantly anabolic.
There are three points to remember from this study.
Whatever the dose is, amino acid derived from whey will always reach the blood before the amino acids derived from casein. The long-lasting anti-catabolic effect of casein can be duplicated by frequent ingestion of small amounts of whey. Of course its unlikely that you’re going to wake up every hours during the night to have your whey drink, so whey proteins are not’t practical if you’re looking for a prolong anti-catabolic effect. In order to get a strong anabolic action from casein, you need a far higher dose of it than whey to get the same effect-and casein’s effect take a lot longer to kick in than whey’s effects.
Comments from the
The most important fact in the article HYPERAMINOACIDEMIA. With the use of a hydrolyzed whey protein you can achieve this effect. Getting a flush of amino acids into the blood stream will cause an anabolic effect. Using regular whey protein concentrate or whey isolate will not do this. But what the article failed to do was to go into detail about hydrolyzed whey protein. If you want details about hydrolyzed whey protein, read article #2 Hydrolyzed whey protein and their friend the peptide. Only the offers the lowest MW hydrolyzed whey protein the 520. But I won’t take credit for the first company to do this. back in 1998. Metaform put out a supplement called Proton. It contains hydrolyzed whey and hydrolyzed casein. Great supplement but contained fructose and of course tasted like horses’ ass. Thus it did not sell. They also had a tit for tat with AST research a while back. AST tried to claim their protein was hydrolyzed whey but no –no total scam. If you have not learned yet- HYDROLYZED PROTEIN TASTES TERRIBLE EVEN IF YOU ADD FLAVORING. That is why Metaform had to try to add as much fructose (sugar) as possible. Because with out it, normal peoples, not you psychos, wouldn't be able to drink it. Unfortunately even with the fructose the protein tasted bad thus was discontinued.
Only casein can provide this effect. But you have to make sure you taking enough do to this. If you’re going to try to get the anti-catabolic effect from casein.
Timing is everything. Select your proteins carefully and use them at the proper times. Use whey proteins in the mornings and after workouts. Use casein with MRP's and protein powders during the day. Each protein, just like soy, egg, milk, and bovine all have their special properties. If you use them at the right times you will maximize their use.
What Formula to make using
By Alex Rogers
Here are my recommendations:
50% CFM 50% Micellar. This is your number one choice. The protein is evenly divided and contains the two highest quality whole food proteins in the world.
25% WPC, 25% CFM, 25% Milk, 25% Aussie Caseinate. Use this formula to keep the price down but still get an anabolic anti-catabolic effect.
Be forewarned, alot of supplement claim to use Micellar casein, when they are really using milk protein isolate. Unfortunately there is no way to tell. Just ask the company for the Certificate of Analysis.
Fast, Anabolic Proteins vs. Slow Anti-catabolic Ones
Whey and Casein are very closely related forms of proteins that are both derived from milk. Bodybuilders used to consider them interchangeable. Some argued that whey was superior to casein, while others claimed the opposite. As a result bodybuilders used either whey or casein but not both, with each camp thinking that it had found the very best protein. Whey and casein have two radically different but complementary muscle-building properties. Indeed, a recently published French study compared those properties and the results showed that oral intake of 30 grams of whey protein very rapidly increased the level of amino acids in the blood in healthy young subjects. Consequently, anabolism was boosted by 68 percent.
Unfortunately whey’s muscle-building potential is transient-the paired and important rise in blood amino acid level is followed by a quick fall-and the results also showed no significance anti-catabolic effects.
On the other hand, 30 grams of casein resulted in a delayed but long-lasting elevation of amino acid levels in the blood, while the anabolic boosting effect were 31 percent milder than those of whey. In fact, casein’s long-lasting, anti-catabolic effect was its main advantage.
Since whey and casein are very different, you should use whey whenever you want a strong and rapid boost of anabolism. It’s a superior protein to eat first thing in the morning and immediately after training. Casein is the best choice whenever you need long lasting anti-catabolic protection: for example at night.
Note that the qualities of being anabolic or anti-catabolic apply to more than skeletal muscles. The researchers measured both whole body protein synthesis and degradation, so we don’t know exactly how much the muscles have benefited from those favorable effects. Nevertheless, its obvious that muscle growth is faster in an anabolic or anti-catabolic environment than in a strongly catabolic situation. As the study involved untrained subjects, its likely that bodybuilders would have gotten even stronger effects because of their protein-hungry muscles.
This study demonstrates the importance of timing protein intake and choosing the right source of protein. The results bring us to another fundamental question" Why is whey so anabolic when casein is so anti-catabolic?
Blood levels of amino acids do not fluctuate that much during the day in healthy bodybuilders. Eating a meal rich in proteins elevates the amino acids level slightly but not much. Fasting during the night slightly reduces it. In that case catabolic hormones such as cortisol will rise and induce muscle proteolysis; that is the breakdown of protein. Some of the muscle’s amino acids will therefore pass into the blood, which helps sustain a constant blood amino acid level while you sleep. Consequently, blood amino acid levels are never very high or very low for very long-unless you fast for a prolonged period.
The term hyperglycemia means there’s too much glucose in the blood. You may be more familiar with the rem hypoglycemia, which describes a low blood glucose level. As with the blood amino acid level, glucose is closely controlled. Glycemia may rise after a high carb meal, but unless you suffer from diabetes, it will be brief and moderate. When you fast, your blood glucose level falls slightly. That triggers the manufacture of glucose from amino acids in both the liver and the kidneys, which boosts blood glucose levels. As a result your blood glucose levels are also never very high and never very low.
Similar to the terminology used for glucose, Hyperaminoacidemia occurs when blood amino levels are greatly increased, and Hypoaminoacidemia occurs when they are low. The key point for bodybuilders is that a Hyperaminoacidemia induced by an amino acid intake automatically triggers anabolism. Scientists have discovered that there are thresholds of amino acids in the blood: When you get past a certain level of elevation anabolism is triggered. As you can imagine, its no that easy to reach the threshold. Scientists use amino acid infusion.
As stated above, ven a meal that’s is rich in protein s is unlikely to induce a significant Hyperaminoacidemia. Proteins from foods are slow to digest, so their arrival in the blood is sustained but very slow, and consequently, the amino acid level in the blood rises slowly. Once is slightly elevated organs such as the liver remove those aminos from the blood. As they enter the blood slowly, the liver has no trouble keeping up. So the rise in blood amino acids is never as high as bodybuilders might wish. In contrast, the amino acids infusions given by scientists bypass the digestive track, and the level. Of blood amino acids increases quickly, which overwhelms the liver’s ability to extract amino acids from the blood, creating a condition of Hyperaminoacidemia. Growth is triggered by pharmacological means.
Until recently, it was almost impossible to induce a pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia with food or supplements, so bodybuilders had to make do with more moderate physiological Hyperaminoacidemia. That’s a shame, as the stronger the Hyperaminoacidemia, the more powerful the anabolic drive. The arrival of predigested whey protein was a big breakthrough for the bodybuilding community, as it has the amazing property of inducing a quick sharp elevation of the amino acid level in the blood. In other words, it can trigger the strongest Hyperaminoacidemia possible.
By almost bypassing digestion, whey protein overwhelms the liver capacity for extracting amino acids from the blood. It affects your body in a pharmacological way that only amino acid infusion can duplicate.
That is not possible with casein. Its is slow digestion only products a physiological Hyperaminoacidemia, which means the amino acid level is high but within normal limits.
Meals rich in protein wont induce a pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia, either as the digestion of protein is even slower than what occurs with casein because of the fibers, fats and other elements that delay digestion.
Long-Term Muscle Protection Against Catabolism
As the amount of whey you eat at a given time is limited, the fast and powerful arrival of amino acids is short-lived. When new amino acids stop arriving in the blood, the organs that extract them stop being overwhelmed and the blood levels of amino acids are brought back to normal. When that happens, the powerful effects of whey vanish. Anabolism falls and catabolism dominates again.
Casein does not produce such a rise and fall in blood amino acid levels due to its timed-release action. The blood level of amino acid s elevates slightly but for a long period. Scientists have shown that a small elevation of blood amino acids greatly reduces catabolism. You could get a long-lasting anti-catabolic effect like that with whey if, instead of absorbing 30 grams at once, you took 10 grams every hour. You would not get any pharmacological Hyperaminoacidemia, but the constant arrival of small amounts of amino acids would reduce catabolism.
By the same token, if the researchers in the French study had used 60 grams of casein instead of 30, its more likely that the subjects blood amino levels would have reached the critical threshold at some point. In that case casein, after a delay, would have first reduced catabolism, and then, when the peak of blood amino acids had been reached, it would have triggered anabolism. After that peak the casein would have recovered its mainly anti-catabolic function and stopped being significantly anabolic.
There are three points to remember from this study.
Whatever the dose is, amino acid derived from whey will always reach the blood before the amino acids derived from casein. The long-lasting anti-catabolic effect of casein can be duplicated by frequent ingestion of small amounts of whey. Of course its unlikely that you’re going to wake up every hours during the night to have your whey drink, so whey proteins are not’t practical if you’re looking for a prolong anti-catabolic effect. In order to get a strong anabolic action from casein, you need a far higher dose of it than whey to get the same effect-and casein’s effect take a lot longer to kick in than whey’s effects.
Comments from the
The most important fact in the article HYPERAMINOACIDEMIA. With the use of a hydrolyzed whey protein you can achieve this effect. Getting a flush of amino acids into the blood stream will cause an anabolic effect. Using regular whey protein concentrate or whey isolate will not do this. But what the article failed to do was to go into detail about hydrolyzed whey protein. If you want details about hydrolyzed whey protein, read article #2 Hydrolyzed whey protein and their friend the peptide. Only the offers the lowest MW hydrolyzed whey protein the 520. But I won’t take credit for the first company to do this. back in 1998. Metaform put out a supplement called Proton. It contains hydrolyzed whey and hydrolyzed casein. Great supplement but contained fructose and of course tasted like horses’ ass. Thus it did not sell. They also had a tit for tat with AST research a while back. AST tried to claim their protein was hydrolyzed whey but no –no total scam. If you have not learned yet- HYDROLYZED PROTEIN TASTES TERRIBLE EVEN IF YOU ADD FLAVORING. That is why Metaform had to try to add as much fructose (sugar) as possible. Because with out it, normal peoples, not you psychos, wouldn't be able to drink it. Unfortunately even with the fructose the protein tasted bad thus was discontinued.
Only casein can provide this effect. But you have to make sure you taking enough do to this. If you’re going to try to get the anti-catabolic effect from casein.
Timing is everything. Select your proteins carefully and use them at the proper times. Use whey proteins in the mornings and after workouts. Use casein with MRP's and protein powders during the day. Each protein, just like soy, egg, milk, and bovine all have their special properties. If you use them at the right times you will maximize their use.
What Formula to make using
By Alex Rogers
Here are my recommendations:
50% CFM 50% Micellar. This is your number one choice. The protein is evenly divided and contains the two highest quality whole food proteins in the world.
25% WPC, 25% CFM, 25% Milk, 25% Aussie Caseinate. Use this formula to keep the price down but still get an anabolic anti-catabolic effect.
Be forewarned, alot of supplement claim to use Micellar casein, when they are really using milk protein isolate. Unfortunately there is no way to tell. Just ask the company for the Certificate of Analysis.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Human Milk Theory
Recently, I have been pretty disturbed at some supplement companies attempts to make a conclusion that if you make a protein powder similar to human milk protein (breast milk), drink that protein, you will make remarkable gains in your physique. These supplement companies claim that they have duplicated the exact amino acid sequence, protein subfractions, peptides, microfractions, minerals, vitamins, sugars, fats, enzymes, growth modulators, and other hormones. Whew I'm done! Something that baby formula manufacturers have been trying to do now for over 40 years. These supplement companies claimed they have done it. Pull-up your bras women, there is no need to breast feed anymore. The bodybuilding industry has done it. We have duplicated human milk.
NOT, and I might say a big fat NOT!!
Want some reasons behind my big fat NOT, well here you go.
1) Like mentioned above, manufacturers of baby formulas have been trying to do this for over 40 years. Some "brand new" supplement company has no chance to duplicate the formula of human milk.
2) Is human milk better than cow's milk, (whey and casein protein)? Why does everyone assume that if a grown man drinks breast milk they are going to grow muscle. Mother Nature is the most remarkable phenomenon EVER! It makes changes and adapts in ways our best researchers haven't even come to understanding. Human Milk that mother nature manufactured is geared towards infants, NOT GROWN MEN. The structure is set up, timing and everything for infancy to about 1 year. For example, when a BABY is first born, the mother produces Colostrum. This colostrum is easier to digest and rich in disease fighting antibodies. It helps the baby fight of any infections when first born. The infancy milk is also higher in cholesterol. This will help the baby later in life handle cholesterol when it gets older. The milk then changes from colostrum to "mature milk". The fat content goes up and the protein level decreases. Human milk as a macro nutrient profile that looks something like this
Per 100 grams
88 grams Water
6 grams Lactose
6 grams of complex carb and protein
Then as the baby gets to about 8 months. It needs OTHER sources of protein. Its like mother nature is saying, "Human milk wont due anymore, get your protein from somewhere else. In conclusion, human milk is for infants, not adults. And by drinking protein powder so-called geared toward human milk structure wont help you pack on pounds of muscle.
3) Every mammal milk has a different chemical structure. Whales for example give milk that is rich in fat and calories. Important elements for the survival of cold water. "While human babies usually require about six months to double their birth weight, calves do this in a month and a half. It stands to reason that the higher protein and mineral levels in cows milk (which are 4 times greater than those in human milk) foster this rapid growth,whereas the lower levels in human milk are more suited to the human growth timetable" (REF). What does this conclude, stick with cows milk (whey protein and casein) OR if your a sucker for supplement company hype I have a formula I just sold each company that copied the amino acid profile and subfractions of gorilla milk. It should be coming out in the next few months. Ha Ha!
4)Protein subfractions. Protein Subfractions can be useful to bodybuilders. But, supplement companies try to use these terms to make their protein seem more ADVANCED. But unfortunately, marketing and putting these subfractions words on there jars of protein are as far as they go. Supplement companies know little about these subfractions and what each subfraction is for.. Remember that whey protein concentrate, even manufacturer with a low protein %. contains all 7 protein subfractions: alpha-lactabumin, beta-lactoglobulin, protease peptones, immunoglobulins, glycomacropeptides, lactoferrin, and bovine serum. No special process has to be taken to make the subfractions. They naturally occur in whey protein concentrate But, you can separate each protein subfraction. But ,there is not a chance that a supplement company is going to add their protein powder. Protein Fractions alpha and beta cost about $15.00 per pound (and that's on the low end) per pound! Lactoferrin cost $500.00 per kilo. Now you can see why they don't add them. Plus there is not enough hard core evidence that any of these protein sub-fractions, when isolated, will help grow muscle, better than drinking plain old whey protein isolate, whether it comes from CFM or ion-exchange. Health nuts and Longevity people should stick with CFM, for general health reasons. . For example, Immunoglobulin A found in protein . Human milk contains higher amounts of this protein. Immunoglobulin (IgA). coats the baby's intestinal and respiratory tracts, acting as a barrier to prevent the invasion of harmful organisms. Can IgA be a positive weapon for bodybuilders. I believe so, because I have read some research showing that it can help protein digestion and create a positive nitrogen balance.
In conclusion, human milk is for babies, and not for bodybuilders. Companies claiming to replicate human milk and suggest its use for anabolic condition are fooling themselves and it consumers. If you want to try the next best thing to human milk, and you still believe that its better than other sources of protein, go out and buy infant formula in powdered form. Its higher quality than half the whey proteins on the market.
NOT, and I might say a big fat NOT!!
Want some reasons behind my big fat NOT, well here you go.
1) Like mentioned above, manufacturers of baby formulas have been trying to do this for over 40 years. Some "brand new" supplement company has no chance to duplicate the formula of human milk.
2) Is human milk better than cow's milk, (whey and casein protein)? Why does everyone assume that if a grown man drinks breast milk they are going to grow muscle. Mother Nature is the most remarkable phenomenon EVER! It makes changes and adapts in ways our best researchers haven't even come to understanding. Human Milk that mother nature manufactured is geared towards infants, NOT GROWN MEN. The structure is set up, timing and everything for infancy to about 1 year. For example, when a BABY is first born, the mother produces Colostrum. This colostrum is easier to digest and rich in disease fighting antibodies. It helps the baby fight of any infections when first born. The infancy milk is also higher in cholesterol. This will help the baby later in life handle cholesterol when it gets older. The milk then changes from colostrum to "mature milk". The fat content goes up and the protein level decreases. Human milk as a macro nutrient profile that looks something like this
Per 100 grams
88 grams Water
6 grams Lactose
6 grams of complex carb and protein
Then as the baby gets to about 8 months. It needs OTHER sources of protein. Its like mother nature is saying, "Human milk wont due anymore, get your protein from somewhere else. In conclusion, human milk is for infants, not adults. And by drinking protein powder so-called geared toward human milk structure wont help you pack on pounds of muscle.
3) Every mammal milk has a different chemical structure. Whales for example give milk that is rich in fat and calories. Important elements for the survival of cold water. "While human babies usually require about six months to double their birth weight, calves do this in a month and a half. It stands to reason that the higher protein and mineral levels in cows milk (which are 4 times greater than those in human milk) foster this rapid growth,whereas the lower levels in human milk are more suited to the human growth timetable" (REF). What does this conclude, stick with cows milk (whey protein and casein) OR if your a sucker for supplement company hype I have a formula I just sold each company that copied the amino acid profile and subfractions of gorilla milk. It should be coming out in the next few months. Ha Ha!
4)Protein subfractions. Protein Subfractions can be useful to bodybuilders. But, supplement companies try to use these terms to make their protein seem more ADVANCED. But unfortunately, marketing and putting these subfractions words on there jars of protein are as far as they go. Supplement companies know little about these subfractions and what each subfraction is for.. Remember that whey protein concentrate, even manufacturer with a low protein %. contains all 7 protein subfractions: alpha-lactabumin, beta-lactoglobulin, protease peptones, immunoglobulins, glycomacropeptides, lactoferrin, and bovine serum. No special process has to be taken to make the subfractions. They naturally occur in whey protein concentrate But, you can separate each protein subfraction. But ,there is not a chance that a supplement company is going to add their protein powder. Protein Fractions alpha and beta cost about $15.00 per pound (and that's on the low end) per pound! Lactoferrin cost $500.00 per kilo. Now you can see why they don't add them. Plus there is not enough hard core evidence that any of these protein sub-fractions, when isolated, will help grow muscle, better than drinking plain old whey protein isolate, whether it comes from CFM or ion-exchange. Health nuts and Longevity people should stick with CFM, for general health reasons. . For example, Immunoglobulin A found in protein . Human milk contains higher amounts of this protein. Immunoglobulin (IgA). coats the baby's intestinal and respiratory tracts, acting as a barrier to prevent the invasion of harmful organisms. Can IgA be a positive weapon for bodybuilders. I believe so, because I have read some research showing that it can help protein digestion and create a positive nitrogen balance.
In conclusion, human milk is for babies, and not for bodybuilders. Companies claiming to replicate human milk and suggest its use for anabolic condition are fooling themselves and it consumers. If you want to try the next best thing to human milk, and you still believe that its better than other sources of protein, go out and buy infant formula in powdered form. Its higher quality than half the whey proteins on the market.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Glycine propionyl-L-carnitine hydrocholoride (GPLC)
Glycine propionyl-L-carnitine hydrocholoride (GPLC) is a fairly new ingredient to enter into the bodybuilding supplementation world. It sold by a company called Sigma-Tau health sciences. They are the company that actual makes the product. It is marketing to supplement company’s as being the only true product to raise nitrate levels in the blood. Ie a nitric oxide product. Sigma-tau provides research and real data to support this claim. They also make claims on their website that L-arginine and their related products do nothing for nitrate levels in the blood. This website is great if you like to read about real research and real products. Sigma-Tau sells the shit out of this product to many, many supplement company.s. I quickly counted on their “products” part of their website and counted about 50 company’s that carry the GPLC in their products.
Now here’s the bad news. #1 the product tastes like shit and is very expensive to use. The studies that I have read show that one must use 4 grams of GPLC for a serving size. Thus if you look at the GPLC sold at protein you will notice it cost $65.00 for a measly 150 grams. That’ll last you about 1 month. So I went ahead and looked at what other supplement company’s were selling their GPLC for.
Well here’s what I found.
This product contains only 1.5 grams of GPCL in 4 capsules and you only get 15 servings per bottle. So what this supplement company did is either didn’t read the study that it takes 4 grams of GPLC to work or made a conscience decision to rip you off.
Here’s another product I found that contains GPLC but along with a bunch of 10 other things in their “proprietary formula”. It equates to only 3.65 grams. So barely enough to give you the 4grams required.
Thus when trying to find GPLC make sure you get one with the correct serving size of 4 grams of GPLC per serving. Don’t be fooled by proprietary formulas. If you see a GPLC product with other ingredients like L-arginine or things like it. I don’t recommend you buy it.
I recommend these GPLC products.
1) Nitric Oxide GPLC ( of course). It contains 4 grams per serving.
2) MHP N.O. Bomb.
3) and uhhh yea. These are the only two products I could find listed on the Sigma-tau website that actually gives you 4 grams per serving. So out of the 20 or so sports nutrition company’s that use this product only 2 use it correctly. The other don’t or they plead the 5th (proprietary ingredients)
Now here’s the bad news. #1 the product tastes like shit and is very expensive to use. The studies that I have read show that one must use 4 grams of GPLC for a serving size. Thus if you look at the GPLC sold at protein you will notice it cost $65.00 for a measly 150 grams. That’ll last you about 1 month. So I went ahead and looked at what other supplement company’s were selling their GPLC for.
Well here’s what I found.
This product contains only 1.5 grams of GPCL in 4 capsules and you only get 15 servings per bottle. So what this supplement company did is either didn’t read the study that it takes 4 grams of GPLC to work or made a conscience decision to rip you off.
Here’s another product I found that contains GPLC but along with a bunch of 10 other things in their “proprietary formula”. It equates to only 3.65 grams. So barely enough to give you the 4grams required.
Thus when trying to find GPLC make sure you get one with the correct serving size of 4 grams of GPLC per serving. Don’t be fooled by proprietary formulas. If you see a GPLC product with other ingredients like L-arginine or things like it. I don’t recommend you buy it.
I recommend these GPLC products.
1) Nitric Oxide GPLC ( of course). It contains 4 grams per serving.
2) MHP N.O. Bomb.
3) and uhhh yea. These are the only two products I could find listed on the Sigma-tau website that actually gives you 4 grams per serving. So out of the 20 or so sports nutrition company’s that use this product only 2 use it correctly. The other don’t or they plead the 5th (proprietary ingredients)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Consumer Reports Protein Drinks Heavy Metals
The Consumer Reports Protein Drinks article is complete bull dinky, if you want to read the truth click here:
Monday, June 7, 2010
Check out this video!!!
Alex Rogers from explains the "real" truth about whey concentrates and whey isolates.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The First Whey Isolate to Make you Lose Body Fat
et me just cut straight to it. I have created the perfect supplement. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 20. Why you ask? Most likely, if you are reading this, you want to be or if you are already you want to be more ripped, have six pack, have striations in their triceps, look vascular, have a nicer ass, lean mid-section etc, etc. What does it take?
Let me just cut straight to it. I have created the perfect supplement. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 20. Why you ask? Most likely, if you are reading this, you want to be or if you are already you want to be more ripped, have six pack, have striations in their triceps, look vascular, have a nicer ass, lean mid-section etc, etc. What does it take? Plain and simple MORE MUSCLE and LOW BODYFAT. How do you get more muscle and lower your bodyfat? You train with free weights and you eat just enough calories to trigger fat loss, but at the same time keep or even gain muscle mass. This is very, very, difficult to do. If it was easy you would see a lot more people with six packs and a lot more women running around with hot bodies. Thus, various muscle building and weight loss products are available to help you achieve this “LEAN” physique. But these products have been either made to make you gain weight and/or muscle or attempt to make you lose bodyfat. No products have been developed to do both. No products have been made to be both a muscle building product and a body fat reduction supplement combined. Well, now available from is that supplement. A product “Lean” maker of the sorts. The product is the most advanced supplement of its kind and it’s now available to you.
Ever since whey protein has hit the market it has been the #1 choice for anyone wishing to improve their physique. Whey protein is simple to use and is excellent for adding lean muscle mass. Whey protein mixes easily and tastes great and it is the best protein powder for increasing lean muscle mass and to increase overall protein intake. But like all protein powders it does have one flaw. One flaw, you may ask? “I thought whey protein was the perfect protein”. Yes you heard what I said, whey protein powder does have one easily understandable flaw. Let me explain.
All protein powders contain calories. For every gram of protein you consume you are getting 4 calories. Thus if you take 3, 30 grams protein shakes a day you are getting an extra 360 calories, plus the other extra calories from the liquid you used. Now I know what you’re thinking now, so what, what is an extra 360 calories. Well for the muscle head it is not a problem, but for the person that wants to lose bodyfat and get lean it is a big problem. Ever since protein powders came out, companies have been trying to figure out ways for them to help you lose weight. The most common is the Meal Replacement Powders. These are probably the worst thing that you can use. Not only do they contain low quality protein powders, but they contain maltodextrin, a high glycemic carbohydrate that will put on fat like a Krispy Kreme donut does. Then the supplement companies tried to make their whey proteins with 0 carbs, thinking that an extra 2 or 4 grams of carbs will have a HUGE impact on your weight loss goals, which is obviously not true, carbohydrates contain the same amount of calories as protein. You see, every fitness guru, weight loss expert, personal trainer, supplement company owner, info marketing ab machine person knows that the ONLY way to lose bodyfat is to consume LESS calories. PERIOD!!!!. That is it, you must take in less calories than you use throughout the day to lose bodyfat. Thus the weight loss companies have pumped into your mind that by drinking protein shakes 2 or 3 times a day you will lose bodyfat. Well this is the “flaw” that I am talking about.
The “flaw” with whey protein or for that matter any weight loss powder drink is that when you use these products you STILL taking in calories. And those calories add up. So if you are trying to lose bodyfat you’re “paddling up a stream”. You think you are doing good while consuming protein shakes and MRP’s but when all along you are just replacing your regular food with powdered food. The calories are still the same. Most people cannot consume the little calories it takes to lose bodyfat. And why most people that use whey protein and MRP’s for weight loss FAIL miserably. Well, I have to tell you that I have solved this problem with protein powders.
As previously mentioned, you need to consume less calories than you use throughout the day to lose bodyfat. Not only that, but the calories you consume must be healthy foods like lean meats and low glycemic carbohydrates. Unless you are a complete moron, everyone knows how to eat healthy. After being in the supplement business for almost 10 years I rarely come across a person that does not know how to eat healthy. Protein is the most important macronutrient if you want to lose bodyfat. Protein will increase your muscle mass, increase your metabolism and help you lose the bodyfat. You must have PROTEIN in your diet if you want to lose bodyfat in a healthy manner. So what do people do to get the protein they need? They buy whey protein powder. And thus this is the mistake I am talking about. The weight loss wanna-be does right by making sure he is getting enough protein in his/her diet, but fails because it adds the calories which crushes their weight loss goals.
About 1 year ago I started to research whey protein and its relationship to weight loss and body fat composition. I discovered that by creating a whey protein that was specifically manufactured in a manner that would actually aid in weight loss it would create a new category for weight loss powders. The technology behind the manufacturing of whey protein is advancing quickly. We now have the capability to manipulate the whey protein in such a way where we can create a protein, that is “specific” to achieve a certain goal. And in this case the goal is weight loss. Well, I am here to tell you that it is now available. Yes, it is the first whey protein whose composition was altered scientifically to aid in weight loss. Now at this point you might be thinking, “if it sounds to good to be true it probably is”. Hey, I would too, but guess what. Before I decided to launch this product it was clinically tested. And guess what again, IT WORKED!!! Not only that but dramatically the volunteers taking my weight loss whey mostly loss weight in the “trunk” region, which is your ass and your stomach, awesome I know!!! More good news is that the volunteers ranged from all ages and shapes.
Wanna know how it works? Let me explain. This new advanced form of whey protein works 3 ways: 1- Satiety, 2- controlling fat deposition and 3- acceleration of fat breakdown. With the use of high tech manufacturing techniques, we are able to create a “specific goal oriented whey protein” by accelerating certain components of the whey protein itself, truly remarkable. Hence, this is what we did.
Whey Light contains a high level of the protein peptide GMP (glycomacropeptide).
Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a peptide that is released from intestinal cells into the blood stream following the consumption of food. CCK interacts with the stomach to slow gastric emptying and help maintain a feeling of satiety. CCK also binds to brain cell receptors indicating to the brain that the body is in a state of satiety. In humans, CCK levels in the blood normally reach a peak within 20 minutes following a meal and return to baseline within one hour (Portman, 2001). GMP stimulates secretion of CCK. Human clinical work done on a small number of volunteers (6) showed that GMP increased blood levels of CCK up to 270% within 20 minutes after consumption (Yvon, et al., 1994). This work verifies that GMP or fragment 106-169 of k-casein stimulates CCK release and thereby slows gastric emptying and creates a feeling of satiety.
A special hydrolysate in Whey Light limits the production of angiotensin II
Fat deposition occurs in fat cells, adipocytes, in the human body. The regulation of Fat deposition in adipocytes has been a topic of much research with numerous studies showing that adipocytes produce a variety of proteins and hormones that help control Fat deposition (Jones, et al., 1997). Among the hormones synthesized by adipocytes is the vasoactive compound, angiotensin II. Jones et al. (1997) have shown that angiotensin II increase Fat deposition in human fat cells. They found that angiotensin II has direct feedback to the fat cell by binding to specific synthase and glycerol-3 phosphate dehydrogenase that are involved in Fat deposition. As a result of higher levels of these two enzymes, adipocytes become larger by synthesizing and depositing more triglyceride material in the cell.
Angiotensin II is formed by angiotensin converting enzyme, therefore enzyme inhibitors effective in limiting production of angiotensin II in patients can reduce Fat deposition by limiting the production of angiotensin II. A special hydrolysate produced with activity against the production of angiotensin II is a component in Whey Light.
Whey Light contains levels of minerals which accelerate fat breakdown
The third component of Whey Lightt, is minerals which include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
Research has shown the mechanism of how dietary calcium, like the kind found in Whey Light, impacts fat deposition and breakdown in the fat cell (adipocyte). They have found that when dietary calcium is low, the body responds by increasing uptake of calcium into the adipocyte, resulting in high intracellular calcium. High intracellular calcium that occurs during low dietary calcium intake causes the adipocyte to increase expression of enzymes responsible for fat lipogenesis and it also inhibits fat breakdown (lypolysis). Thus, when people are on low calcium/dairy diets, they get fatter. Whey dietary calcium is high, the movement of calcium into the adipocyte decreases dramatically resulting in low intracellular calcium. Low calcium in the adipocyte causes accelerated lypolysis and significantly reduces lipogenesis resulting in weight loss.
Research has been recently completed with similar experiments in humans. Results of a clinical trial published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition are reported to show that increasing dietary calcium speeds up weight loss and fat loss. Weight loss was enhanced when the calcium was derived from low-fat milk products compared to an equivalent amount of supplemental calcium.
The 24-week study divided people into three groups. The control group took low-calcium products, a second group was given high levels of calcium in the form of calcium carbonate, and the third group was given high levels of calcium in the form of dairy products (three to four servings of low-fat milk products).
All groups were given a low-calorie diet. The control group lost 6.4% of their body weight. By comparison, the calcium carbonate group lost 8.1% of body weight, and the dairy group lost 10.9% of body weight. Relatively speaking, this means the dairy group lost 70% more weight than the control group.
As an added bonus, calcium taken in the form of dairy products has recently been linked to weight loss. Davies et al. (2000) reanalyzed five studies that had been done with a skeletal endpoint to see if there was any correlation between calcium intake and body weight. They found significant negative correlations between calcium intake and body weight for three different age groups. They estimated that a 1000 mg/day difference in calcium intake corresponded to an 8 kg reduction in weight. They showed that when dietary calcium to protein ration was higher than 15 mg Ca/g protein in 348 women in their 30’s, BMI did not exceed 27.
That calcium and dairy product consumption helps control weight at various ages of life was also shown in work done by Carruth and Skinner (2001). They found that children from 2-96 months old exhibited a negative correlation between body weight and calcium/dairy product intake. Supporting work (Lin, et al. 2000) showed that young women (age 18-31), regardless of exercise status, also exhibited a negative correlation between calcium intake and body weight.
No stimulants, no ephedra, no crazy herbs or botanicals. Completely 100% safe and natural. A whey protein compositionally altered into a weight loss product.
A little more info…..
The Name.
If you don’t know me by now, my name is Alex Rogers, owner of I am a down to earth guy, who doesn’t like bullshit, and scientific jargon and fancy labeling to sell product. Thus I decided to call the new weight loss protein “Whey Light”. Basic I know, but I am not trying to sell you a weight loss drug or a product made to sound like it was manufactured by a military underground lab.
A different Product
Whey Light is going to be sold in containers ONLY!!!. I know a shocker, but this is the only way that I want it sold. Why? Because #1 it’s a supplement and not common whey protein isolate or concentrate. You take it like a supplement 1 or 2 servings a day, unlike common whey protein where you can take 12 servings a day. The effects of the “Whey Light” are a result of just 1 serving a day.
Let me just cut straight to it. I have created the perfect supplement. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 20. Why you ask? Most likely, if you are reading this, you want to be or if you are already you want to be more ripped, have six pack, have striations in their triceps, look vascular, have a nicer ass, lean mid-section etc, etc. What does it take? Plain and simple MORE MUSCLE and LOW BODYFAT. How do you get more muscle and lower your bodyfat? You train with free weights and you eat just enough calories to trigger fat loss, but at the same time keep or even gain muscle mass. This is very, very, difficult to do. If it was easy you would see a lot more people with six packs and a lot more women running around with hot bodies. Thus, various muscle building and weight loss products are available to help you achieve this “LEAN” physique. But these products have been either made to make you gain weight and/or muscle or attempt to make you lose bodyfat. No products have been developed to do both. No products have been made to be both a muscle building product and a body fat reduction supplement combined. Well, now available from is that supplement. A product “Lean” maker of the sorts. The product is the most advanced supplement of its kind and it’s now available to you.
Ever since whey protein has hit the market it has been the #1 choice for anyone wishing to improve their physique. Whey protein is simple to use and is excellent for adding lean muscle mass. Whey protein mixes easily and tastes great and it is the best protein powder for increasing lean muscle mass and to increase overall protein intake. But like all protein powders it does have one flaw. One flaw, you may ask? “I thought whey protein was the perfect protein”. Yes you heard what I said, whey protein powder does have one easily understandable flaw. Let me explain.
All protein powders contain calories. For every gram of protein you consume you are getting 4 calories. Thus if you take 3, 30 grams protein shakes a day you are getting an extra 360 calories, plus the other extra calories from the liquid you used. Now I know what you’re thinking now, so what, what is an extra 360 calories. Well for the muscle head it is not a problem, but for the person that wants to lose bodyfat and get lean it is a big problem. Ever since protein powders came out, companies have been trying to figure out ways for them to help you lose weight. The most common is the Meal Replacement Powders. These are probably the worst thing that you can use. Not only do they contain low quality protein powders, but they contain maltodextrin, a high glycemic carbohydrate that will put on fat like a Krispy Kreme donut does. Then the supplement companies tried to make their whey proteins with 0 carbs, thinking that an extra 2 or 4 grams of carbs will have a HUGE impact on your weight loss goals, which is obviously not true, carbohydrates contain the same amount of calories as protein. You see, every fitness guru, weight loss expert, personal trainer, supplement company owner, info marketing ab machine person knows that the ONLY way to lose bodyfat is to consume LESS calories. PERIOD!!!!. That is it, you must take in less calories than you use throughout the day to lose bodyfat. Thus the weight loss companies have pumped into your mind that by drinking protein shakes 2 or 3 times a day you will lose bodyfat. Well this is the “flaw” that I am talking about.
The “flaw” with whey protein or for that matter any weight loss powder drink is that when you use these products you STILL taking in calories. And those calories add up. So if you are trying to lose bodyfat you’re “paddling up a stream”. You think you are doing good while consuming protein shakes and MRP’s but when all along you are just replacing your regular food with powdered food. The calories are still the same. Most people cannot consume the little calories it takes to lose bodyfat. And why most people that use whey protein and MRP’s for weight loss FAIL miserably. Well, I have to tell you that I have solved this problem with protein powders.
As previously mentioned, you need to consume less calories than you use throughout the day to lose bodyfat. Not only that, but the calories you consume must be healthy foods like lean meats and low glycemic carbohydrates. Unless you are a complete moron, everyone knows how to eat healthy. After being in the supplement business for almost 10 years I rarely come across a person that does not know how to eat healthy. Protein is the most important macronutrient if you want to lose bodyfat. Protein will increase your muscle mass, increase your metabolism and help you lose the bodyfat. You must have PROTEIN in your diet if you want to lose bodyfat in a healthy manner. So what do people do to get the protein they need? They buy whey protein powder. And thus this is the mistake I am talking about. The weight loss wanna-be does right by making sure he is getting enough protein in his/her diet, but fails because it adds the calories which crushes their weight loss goals.
About 1 year ago I started to research whey protein and its relationship to weight loss and body fat composition. I discovered that by creating a whey protein that was specifically manufactured in a manner that would actually aid in weight loss it would create a new category for weight loss powders. The technology behind the manufacturing of whey protein is advancing quickly. We now have the capability to manipulate the whey protein in such a way where we can create a protein, that is “specific” to achieve a certain goal. And in this case the goal is weight loss. Well, I am here to tell you that it is now available. Yes, it is the first whey protein whose composition was altered scientifically to aid in weight loss. Now at this point you might be thinking, “if it sounds to good to be true it probably is”. Hey, I would too, but guess what. Before I decided to launch this product it was clinically tested. And guess what again, IT WORKED!!! Not only that but dramatically the volunteers taking my weight loss whey mostly loss weight in the “trunk” region, which is your ass and your stomach, awesome I know!!! More good news is that the volunteers ranged from all ages and shapes.
Wanna know how it works? Let me explain. This new advanced form of whey protein works 3 ways: 1- Satiety, 2- controlling fat deposition and 3- acceleration of fat breakdown. With the use of high tech manufacturing techniques, we are able to create a “specific goal oriented whey protein” by accelerating certain components of the whey protein itself, truly remarkable. Hence, this is what we did.
Whey Light contains a high level of the protein peptide GMP (glycomacropeptide).
Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a peptide that is released from intestinal cells into the blood stream following the consumption of food. CCK interacts with the stomach to slow gastric emptying and help maintain a feeling of satiety. CCK also binds to brain cell receptors indicating to the brain that the body is in a state of satiety. In humans, CCK levels in the blood normally reach a peak within 20 minutes following a meal and return to baseline within one hour (Portman, 2001). GMP stimulates secretion of CCK. Human clinical work done on a small number of volunteers (6) showed that GMP increased blood levels of CCK up to 270% within 20 minutes after consumption (Yvon, et al., 1994). This work verifies that GMP or fragment 106-169 of k-casein stimulates CCK release and thereby slows gastric emptying and creates a feeling of satiety.
A special hydrolysate in Whey Light limits the production of angiotensin II
Fat deposition occurs in fat cells, adipocytes, in the human body. The regulation of Fat deposition in adipocytes has been a topic of much research with numerous studies showing that adipocytes produce a variety of proteins and hormones that help control Fat deposition (Jones, et al., 1997). Among the hormones synthesized by adipocytes is the vasoactive compound, angiotensin II. Jones et al. (1997) have shown that angiotensin II increase Fat deposition in human fat cells. They found that angiotensin II has direct feedback to the fat cell by binding to specific synthase and glycerol-3 phosphate dehydrogenase that are involved in Fat deposition. As a result of higher levels of these two enzymes, adipocytes become larger by synthesizing and depositing more triglyceride material in the cell.
Angiotensin II is formed by angiotensin converting enzyme, therefore enzyme inhibitors effective in limiting production of angiotensin II in patients can reduce Fat deposition by limiting the production of angiotensin II. A special hydrolysate produced with activity against the production of angiotensin II is a component in Whey Light.
Whey Light contains levels of minerals which accelerate fat breakdown
The third component of Whey Lightt, is minerals which include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
Research has shown the mechanism of how dietary calcium, like the kind found in Whey Light, impacts fat deposition and breakdown in the fat cell (adipocyte). They have found that when dietary calcium is low, the body responds by increasing uptake of calcium into the adipocyte, resulting in high intracellular calcium. High intracellular calcium that occurs during low dietary calcium intake causes the adipocyte to increase expression of enzymes responsible for fat lipogenesis and it also inhibits fat breakdown (lypolysis). Thus, when people are on low calcium/dairy diets, they get fatter. Whey dietary calcium is high, the movement of calcium into the adipocyte decreases dramatically resulting in low intracellular calcium. Low calcium in the adipocyte causes accelerated lypolysis and significantly reduces lipogenesis resulting in weight loss.
Research has been recently completed with similar experiments in humans. Results of a clinical trial published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition are reported to show that increasing dietary calcium speeds up weight loss and fat loss. Weight loss was enhanced when the calcium was derived from low-fat milk products compared to an equivalent amount of supplemental calcium.
The 24-week study divided people into three groups. The control group took low-calcium products, a second group was given high levels of calcium in the form of calcium carbonate, and the third group was given high levels of calcium in the form of dairy products (three to four servings of low-fat milk products).
All groups were given a low-calorie diet. The control group lost 6.4% of their body weight. By comparison, the calcium carbonate group lost 8.1% of body weight, and the dairy group lost 10.9% of body weight. Relatively speaking, this means the dairy group lost 70% more weight than the control group.
As an added bonus, calcium taken in the form of dairy products has recently been linked to weight loss. Davies et al. (2000) reanalyzed five studies that had been done with a skeletal endpoint to see if there was any correlation between calcium intake and body weight. They found significant negative correlations between calcium intake and body weight for three different age groups. They estimated that a 1000 mg/day difference in calcium intake corresponded to an 8 kg reduction in weight. They showed that when dietary calcium to protein ration was higher than 15 mg Ca/g protein in 348 women in their 30’s, BMI did not exceed 27.
That calcium and dairy product consumption helps control weight at various ages of life was also shown in work done by Carruth and Skinner (2001). They found that children from 2-96 months old exhibited a negative correlation between body weight and calcium/dairy product intake. Supporting work (Lin, et al. 2000) showed that young women (age 18-31), regardless of exercise status, also exhibited a negative correlation between calcium intake and body weight.
No stimulants, no ephedra, no crazy herbs or botanicals. Completely 100% safe and natural. A whey protein compositionally altered into a weight loss product.
A little more info…..
The Name.
If you don’t know me by now, my name is Alex Rogers, owner of I am a down to earth guy, who doesn’t like bullshit, and scientific jargon and fancy labeling to sell product. Thus I decided to call the new weight loss protein “Whey Light”. Basic I know, but I am not trying to sell you a weight loss drug or a product made to sound like it was manufactured by a military underground lab.
A different Product
Whey Light is going to be sold in containers ONLY!!!. I know a shocker, but this is the only way that I want it sold. Why? Because #1 it’s a supplement and not common whey protein isolate or concentrate. You take it like a supplement 1 or 2 servings a day, unlike common whey protein where you can take 12 servings a day. The effects of the “Whey Light” are a result of just 1 serving a day.
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